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Forum Activity for @sam-adams

Sam Adams
09/29/10 07:03:21PM
19 posts

HELP! I came in contact with lice

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

Okay, I think I SHOULD be okay then.I never touched her, shes nasty dirty, smelly so I tried to stay way haha.Closest thing was maybe sat on a couch she sat/slept on maybe twice?But I always tried to remind myself dont put my head down causeshe's had lice like 3 times... SO it was always in the back ofmy mind.

soaringeagle said:
a hat and dose your head in teatree

but lice dont jump youd have to have hair to hare contact, or sleep in her bed or sit on furniture she sits on wear her hats (even ipod earphones ) they have to crawl from head to head or head to something to head..
Sam Adams
09/29/10 06:19:08PM
19 posts

HELP! I came in contact with lice

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

I mean I scratch a little, but I thought it was normal? I mean I havent really noticed much different lately. Its just the fact that she has it and i live in the same house hahhahaha. I probably am going to buy some type of hat after payday... I mean winter will be here soon! ill need it anyways :P

NaturalWomyn said:
delacet is a really strong all natural lice killer that works great for dreads. There's really no reason to freak out. If you're not scratching and don't see any bugs in your hair than don't worry but maybe u should wear a hat around this girl just to be safe.
Sam Adams
09/29/10 05:35:50PM
19 posts

HELP! I came in contact with lice

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'll have to get to that :)I was thinking rubbing alcohol but I wasnt sure if thatwould mess them up or something.What does that oil smell like?And would it keep all bugs away?

soaringeagle said:
u do not need to cut dreads due to lice
1 use teatree oil and u wont get lice they hate it
but if u do
use rubbing alcohol to smother them
they breathe the fumes and die just repeat every 3 days for 9 pr more days
also neem seed oil kills them

i use teatree every wash to prevent em
Sam Adams
09/29/10 05:18:19PM
19 posts

HELP! I came in contact with lice

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

So, I've had my dreads for probably a little over 3 months now. There doing okay, need some work but I cant compain much. Except some are beginning to go together then again some are way to small so I'm semi okay with it. WELL, a little girl lives in this house I'm staying in.. I got called down to the Nurses Office today during school and she takes me into this room and says "Is there a little girl that lives with you your sister?" And well lets get to the point here. She took me back into the room to check my damn hair because I GUESS this little girl that lives here has lice which no one seemed to tell me about. Well she checked it but had no clue what she was really doing I think with the dreads, and she told me it didnt look like I had anything except dandruff. Which I wasn't surprised because I had dandruff without my dreads. She said to keep and eye out for bugs and what not. And told me to wash m hair and come back to get checked again. I'm not sure if I should be worried or not... I mean I dont know what to look for, I never had lice and I'm scared SHITLESS to ever. I mean what should I look out for? And how can I be positive I dont? And is there any possible way if I was to get it I could salvage my locks? I dont think there is but im not sure.. And I swear if I have to cut out my dreads because some little girl gave me bugs im gunna be highly upset.......OH and btw, I dont leave my room and I never get into much contact with her, so what does anyone think? I really just sit in my room, go to work, and school. Should I be worried? I just need advice.
updated by @sam-adams: 02/14/15 06:32:22AM
Sam Adams
09/29/10 05:20:15PM
19 posts

Best alternative to wool is..?

Dread Maintenance

I've heard hemp as well. Try it out :)
Sam Adams
08/27/10 10:23:35AM
19 posts

There all going together :(

Dread Maintenance

Yeah, I washed my dreads last night thinking I was going to start crocheting them and they should be clean for that. Then I looked around a little more and decided not too. But When I was about to go to sleep last night I was feeling them and I could feel the wax chillin in my dread. It felt so dirty! I heard dish soap? So I think im gunna try that now. Shuk Coot said:
i know how you feel, been there.. had my dreads waxed and backcombed, gotta tie em up everyday to go to uni. Having wax on my dreads just doesnt feel right, so decided to wash it off after a week. The wax wont come off with just washing it. Then my dreads started to do the things that you described above. But now, im already near the end of my de-waxing journey. Dreadlocks without wax feel much better and its dreading faster.
Sam Adams
08/27/10 10:20:58AM
19 posts

There all going together :(

Dread Maintenance

Yup, 2 months. Iain said:
hang in there :)
how old are they now btw?
first couple of month-ish range?
Sam Adams
08/26/10 09:44:02PM
19 posts

There all going together :(

Dread Maintenance

I feel like im totally freaking for for no reason with the things ive been reading but I still cant help but panic my dreads are going totally downhill. The ones at the bottom alot of them seem to be dreading together and I have so many loose hairs and there roots need fixed and I feel totally alone. Its hard for me to do it myself and plus no one knows what to do or how to help. I have my hair pulled back alot because of work and I just keep it pulled back and I think its taking a toll on my locks. There all loopy and there are random spots where theres a complete knot in the middle of my dread. Some of the ones on top of my head in the back are almost coming out and I just dont know what to do. I was going to crochet but I heard its HORRIBLE for your hair. And I started with the backcombing method. And I also read not to wax? I feel totally stuck and I have no clue how to begin to wean my locks back to life lol. I need any tips possible. What way is the best and looks the best? I cant be having totally wild locks at work.
updated by @sam-adams: 02/14/15 11:24:29AM
Sam Adams
04/12/11 03:44:29PM
19 posts

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap: Oily residue?

Dread Products

I just got Dr. Bronners today, but I dont understand the 19 to 1 part? 19 parts water and 1 part soap?
updated by @sam-adams: 07/24/15 02:10:51PM
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