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Forum Activity for @justin-w-schaeffer

Justin W Schaeffer
05/25/12 02:52:29PM
3 posts

Dandruff big nasty flakes

Introduce Yourself

damn guys, me too. I am almost 2 months in and just have mad mad dandruff. Big flakes small flakes and hard chunks that develop quickly.

I've used tea tree oil, rosemary, the updated BS / AVC, washing with freezing cold water...nothing

I think I might have eczema at this point

Justin W Schaeffer
05/24/12 06:15:02PM
3 posts

Hi my name is Justin

Introduce Yourself

Thank you for this welcoming. The actual website is the documentary. The video is just a trailer to pull people into the site. There's enough content on the site to keep you occupied for days :)

And again, thanks for the encouragement! SE I have been wanting to grow dreads for some time. I wanted to be truly committed and hadn't been ready for them until recently. I will keep track of my progress.

Justin W Schaeffer
05/24/12 04:56:07PM
3 posts

Hi my name is Justin

Introduce Yourself

Hi it is nice to meet you all; my name is Justin. I went the Nazarene (without the religious commitment) Dreadlock route about 10 or 11 weeks ago. This site has been such an awesome place for information and help. From the beginning I have been using Soaring Eagle's BS/ACV wash and now, as of yesterday, the modified version.

As far as my background is concerned, I recently released an autobiographical/multi-perspective documentary of my life called "The Chronicles of Mania: A 21st Century Documentary of Bipolar 1 Disorder." It is free and online: . It is super transparent and overly personal. I don't want to seem commercial or anything but I've embedded the "trailer" video below:

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I really like animals and nature. I am a writer who tries to interpret my perception of the natural world so that it can be accessible to more than just me. I have several projects in the works including another separate publication/website.

Thanks for reading and giving me the kind of informative support I need to one day grow some awesome dreadlocks!!

Here are pictures of myself taken yesterday:

thanks for reading!

updated by @justin-w-schaeffer: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
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