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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @adrian-migotti

Adrian Migotti
01/12/12 06:18:40PM
12 posts

Starting dreads soon, couple questions.

Introduce Yourself

i think i may do twist and rip instead, seems like a lot of negatives of backcombing

Adrian Migotti
01/12/12 05:22:54PM
12 posts

Starting dreads soon, couple questions.

Introduce Yourself

Hi, my name is Adrian. I plan on locking my hair sometime next month, just to give it a little time to grow more and to educate myself a bit more.
I will NOT be using any sort of waxes at all, the most "artificial" thing about my dreads is that I will be doing a basic backcomb and sectioning to start them. I have already begun getting my hair used to less washes per week and will soon start using dr bronners soap.
I just had a couple questions.
As most members of society do, I have a job and I have to keep myself somewhat presentable, at my job we have to wear a hat and I am wondering if that is going to mess up my locking process, I also like to wear beanies a lot, and a friend of mine is making me a wool tam, which I would plan on wearing to "nice" events. Basically what I was planning on doing was pulling my hair back in a ponytail all the time anyways and I just wanted to make sure that it isn't too detrimental to my locking process. I already spoke to HR about my plans and they were pretty supportive they said as long as I don't do "those gross dreads that smell bad" ignorant statement I know but I plan on keeping mine clean. Which leads me to my next question, how long should I wait to give them their first wash? I plan on washing them by dipping them in a sink of soapy water by the way.
Any answers or extra advice would be really appreciated,

good to be part of the community

updated by @adrian-migotti: 01/13/15 09:17:19PM
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