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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @dakota-d

Dakota D.
05/26/12 07:35:40PM
3 posts


Life Issues Facing Dreads

Yes it was against my will and unfortunately the law is very lax over here. They always comb them out regardless of compliments I get for their looks and cleanliness. It's a vicious cycle of start a set, watch them progress, and suddenly have them combed out. The worst part is that they know my hair is already tangled and tangles pretty quickly. They could at least comb out the week I start.

soaring eagle said:

how and why was it againsdt your will thst is criminal (literaly against the law)

my mom for 15 years always made scissor motions with her fingers everyyime i glanced her way and every conf]vo for 15 years she brought up cutting she even bribed me with thousands of sdollars several times when i could have used it most but nefver would have tru=ied combing or cutting

then 1 day she realized ppl gave me respect fir dreads and it wasnt something to be ashamed of now she brags about my dreads to other dreads they

its all abkut showing them that its not somethingto be ahamed of but proud of

then they see it differently

Dakota D. said:

I can relate. I just got mine brutally combed out 2 days ago. Still dealing with the migraines. :[

Dakota D.
02/26/12 10:32:48PM
3 posts


Life Issues Facing Dreads

I can relate. I just got mine brutally combed out 2 days ago. Still dealing with the migraines. :[

updated by @dakota-d: 07/23/15 06:32:14PM
Dakota D.
01/07/12 03:21:01PM
3 posts

touching your hair

Introduce Yourself

It depends on the situation. I'd rather not be treated like a science experiment. <--Bad experience.

updated by @dakota-d: 07/23/15 04:33:20PM
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