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Forum Activity for @ashley-l-ross

Ashley L Ross
12/16/11 01:57:24AM
3 posts

Allergic to most plants- dread help??

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

Wow.... I have plant allergies too, however, my allergies affect me on the outside, not the inside. I get an extremely itchy and painful skin reaction that can last for weeks. I'm allergic to most plant juices and oils. I can eat them, but they can not have prolonged contact with my skin. I avoid anything that claims to be "all natural" I use gloves when chopping vegetables.... I can't even bite a stalk of celery because my lips will turn into balloons. In short... I can kinda understand what you're going through. It sucks when the best thing for you is also the worst.

Ashley L Ross
12/15/11 07:38:23PM
3 posts

Review - Tam and sleeves from Earthiest (

Dread Accessories

Wow.... when I get paid, I'm getting those sleeves... and that tam. lol.

Ashley L Ross
12/16/11 09:22:33AM
3 posts

my first comment and it wasn't nice:(

General Talk

Hm... I'm black and I kinda disagree with several things that were said. Yes black people have a long and painful history in the United Sates, but that is no excuse to treat someone that way. We're so quick to justify our actions with our past when majority of us NEVER went through what our ancestors went through. I think we have it relatively easy now, easier than most races in fact.

We need to get our heads out of our butts, because if we feel that we are being treated unfairly, the best way to combat that is by treating others fairly.

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