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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @baba-fats

Baba Fats
04/15/12 08:20:18PM
2,702 posts

How many guys have dread beads?

Dread Accessories

lol. I like that. A wlaking xmas tree. My girlfriend, when she had locks, had so much stuff in them she called it her toy box

Baba Fats
04/15/12 12:47:11PM
2,702 posts

How many guys have dread beads?

Dread Accessories

Whip, He can find tighten fitting ones and use them to help define a section. I know he's going neglect, but there's nothing wrong with adding a little more colour. And it won't hurt the process at all. In fact, it'll help it without doing anything damaging

Baba Fats
04/15/12 07:31:15AM
2,702 posts

How many guys have dread beads?

Dread Accessories

I've got tons of beads. I usualy only wear between 2-4 at a time. I've got one glass one with a sequoia that I never take off, and a bead made from a coconut seed that I haven't take off in a few months now. I've got a few other, but their wood, so I take them off the shower, and sometimes don't put back on for a while.

What I usually see is girls wear colourful wraps on their locks. I don't see many if any guys with wraps. Not saying that it's feminine, but I see more girls with them than guys.

Baba Fats
04/14/12 12:52:31PM
2,702 posts

my dreads arent locking up

Dread Maintenance

Wax just holds hair together, it doesn't actually knot them. In fact, wax stops knotting. That is why you have so many straight hairs, not to mention that you are only 5 weeks in. if you washed the wax out and brushed them out, you'd see much more happen in 5 weeks on natural growth than 5 weeks with wax. You could TnR them or back comb them to help get the sections started, but locks grow on their own. If you just let your hair go and never brushed again, they'd grow into dreadlocks. There will always be loose hairs. Mine are more than 5 years old, and I still have loose hairs here and there. It's what dreadlocks are. They are naturally messy hair. You'll have to be patient while they form and mature. That messy stage is where most people become in love with their progress, anyway.

And when you get all that wax out, wash more than once a week. 2-3 times is what you should do for baby locks. Washing is what really helps them knot up faster

Baba Fats
04/12/12 06:28:12PM
2,702 posts


Dread Maintenance

Sounds awesome. You won't regret it. But why did you decide to buzz you head in the first place? It'll be a while before they will even be able to start locking up. It usually takes at least 3 inches to start. And natural ones can need as much as 6 inches.

Good luck. Maybe start making a journal. Start with a buzzed pic and take one a month or so till it starts getting long enough to lock. Then take them more often

Baba Fats
04/11/12 09:21:47PM
2,702 posts

just a dreading question,

Dread Maintenance

Looking at the tips, they looking like they were back combed. Not saying they were. But she didn't use any tools? Just her hands twisting them and putting rubber bands on?

Baba Fats
06/03/12 10:32:06PM
2,702 posts


Dread Maintenance

If you sleep in your back, they will come together fast there. Whatever side you sleep on usually see the fasts progress

Baba Fats
04/09/12 08:51:12AM
2,702 posts


Dread Maintenance

If you didn't separate on either of your last sets, why do you think that if you do separate on this set it will end up the same? That's the point. Separating makes them not mash together into 1 giants messy lock.

And you should never twist/ Twisting them causes the hairs at your roots to get pulled out of your scalp. That is what causes thinning locks and locks that end up falling out because there is too much weight being pulled on thin roots.

If you washed and actually did separate regularly this time around, I'm sure they'd be better. Don't separate too often, but once or twice a week after you shower will keep them from matting all together.

That mashing into your locks was what dreadlocks do. that's how the tangle. Look at peoples pictures here of how loopy their locks are. As they grow and mature, they will tangle with loose hairs on your scalp and even with themselves. Dreadlocks typically loose 1/3 to 1/2 their original length because of this looping. Dreadlocks are tangled loopy hair. If you had let them go and allow them to keep getting sucked into themselves, you'd have been fine.

Baba Fats
04/09/12 08:36:30AM
2,702 posts


Dread Maintenance

how will new growth ruin your locks? new hair growth locks up too. That's what makes locks longer. Your hair grows. It won't thin out unless you mess with it too much or have baldness on your mom's side.

Aloe is a conditioner. That alone will make your hair lock slower and come out every time you wash. I'd only ever use it if I had to get pictures done for a formal event like a wedding.

Baba Fats
04/08/12 10:35:09PM
2,702 posts

what's wrong with people

Introduce Yourself

I don't have any problems with my personal space. I usually hug people I just meet. But that's me.

On the other hand... I was down the shore with my girlfriend and her parents. We went to a diner and a waitress, not even our waitress, came up behind me and flicked one of my locks. I wouldn't have minded as much if she had said something about it afterward, but she didn't even make eye contact and just kept walking. Plus I was obviously out with my girlfriend and family. We look nothing alike. There was no way to mistake us for anything else. That was what bothered me the most. It was just kind of rude and presumptuous to make a flirting gesture in that scenario

updated by @baba-fats: 07/23/15 02:45:55AM
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