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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @baba-fats

Baba Fats
07/16/12 09:44:18PM
2,702 posts

Loose hairs

Introduce Yourself

Eagle only makes those comments because he know about dreadlocks and he cares about the health of your locks.

You could use a hook to "clean up" those hairs, but you will be breaking tons of hairs in the process which ends up making more broken hairs stick out of the body of your lock which makes them look frizzy. Then you'll crochet those hairs back in which breaks more hairs and so on and so on. Talk to the people in the recovery forum to see what happens to crocheted locks.

You should just leave them be. The 4 month mark is usually the messiest stage. in a month or so you will see those loose sections start to come together really quickly. There's absolutely nothing that you need to do to "fix" them.

If you feel like you really want to coax a section along. Get a bead with a small enough hole and slip in on that tuft of hair. Beads generally help speed up locking. But at 4 months, you don't have to do anything. Like I said, 4 months is a messy stage. but 6 months sees much improvement and pretty much all forward progress. Talk to Valerie. She's a little ahead of you, I believe. She can give you tons of insight into where you'll be going in the next little while. Eagle and I know, but are a little further removed from that early stage

Baba Fats
07/19/12 09:26:04PM
2,702 posts


General Questions

One of the ones I had in the beginning was about 1 inch long when it finally matured. 6 years later it's about 16 inches long. They do srink up a ton when they start out, but then they explode with growth. There's a point where they shrink. Then a point where they see to not grow or shrink at all. They they just grow out of control.

Baba Fats
07/21/12 07:14:29PM
2,702 posts

help?!might need to brush dreads out!

General Talk

Most of the time, BK's are franchised. That means that dreadlocks are not a corporate policy. It's that boss that has an issue. If you went to a different one, you'd probably get a different result. I wouldn;t have been allowed to to have my dyed mohawk and piercings at Mcdonalds if my boss wasn't a Wiccan

Baba Fats
07/19/12 08:53:15PM
2,702 posts

help?!might need to brush dreads out!

General Talk

I have almost a full jar of it. I bought it to help my baby locks along to look a bit neater for my wedding, but that's over. If you want it, it's yours

Baba Fats
07/19/12 08:35:17PM
2,702 posts

help?!might need to brush dreads out!

General Talk

Wait, you wont touch fast food, but you'd work at a Walmart?

Baba Fats
07/19/12 10:13:41AM
2,702 posts

help?!might need to brush dreads out!

General Talk

I worked at a McDonalds when I was 15-18. It sucked, but was actually a lot of fun because of the coworkers. I had mohawks and piercings and they never aid a word about them. granted this was rigth outside of Philadelphia, so they were a bit more tolerant.

But if you are growing your locks for any type of spiritual reason, NO employer is allowed to make a remark about your locks. They can't refuse to hire you because of them, and they can't fire you because of them.

That said, they might just not tell you that that is the reason. I don't know how it is there, but in Pa, the laws state that you can be fired for any reason they want, and it's up to YOU to prove that it was wrong. So before you take the job, feel out the boss. If they seem like the type to be petty and will try to make your life miserable so you quit, don't take the job. You can always try to do something you love. Make cute artsy things and sell them on ETSY, or find other ways to make money. But BK is not your only option. I know it seems like it will be steady money, but you have to ask yourself if it's worth selling yourself short for 7.50 an hour.

Baba Fats
07/27/12 09:23:51AM
2,702 posts


General Talk

"The laughing buddha only laughs because knows what's going on."

This quote (probably not exactly word for word) has always stayed with me.

What kind of wise crack does your husband make?

I understand that we, on this forum, take our locks very seriously. I myself tell people how to fight for them at work and on job interviews. Our locks are important to us. But why does that mean we can't joke along as well? If what he says is not offensive, just laugh and joke right back. You said he was bald... Offer to cut one or two of your locks and comb them out to make him a wig. Joke about how he must just be jealous that you have hair to do something unique with. Don't becondescendingabout it. Just turn his wise cracks into jokes of your own.

I'm glad he's coming around, a bit. But this will help it happen faster. He needs to change his attitude about your locks. But you need to change your attitude about his attitude. It's a cycle

Baba Fats
06/27/12 03:13:32PM
2,702 posts

Quick Introduction. HI!

Introduce Yourself

I'm just glad you waited until it wasn't just about impressing a girl. Nothing you do should be about impressing anyone. If you do it for your own reasons, or because it's the right thing to do, people will be impressed. Plus, those people that are simply impress with how you appear are not worth keeping around. It's the ones how admire how you conduct yourself that are the real keepers

Baba Fats
06/27/12 10:18:48AM
2,702 posts

Combining Locs

General Questions

Just find one with a small enough hole to be snug, but not so tight as to restrict it from moving around a little bit. Just tight enough that it won't fall off from it's own weight.

Baba Fats
06/26/12 10:43:44PM
2,702 posts

Combining Locs

General Questions

You could toss a bead over 2 locks, or wrap 2 of them together

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