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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @awigge0421

01/17/19 11:06:55AM
1 posts

Professional or do yourself?

I want to start the process of dreading my hair. I have been looking into every method and even contacted someone today about having them done professionally. I was told she uses the backcombing method and asked if I wanted to try synthetic first. I told her that I just wanted to use my hair and that is it. It is $100/hr and was also told it would be anywhere from 4-6 hours to finish. I have many questions but my first one being, is it best to have them done professionally or could I do them myself and still have the same outcome? I want to make sure that no matter how I get them, they are the best they can be. What are some tips, advice or anything else that is beneficial in the process of starting that would help? Thank you!

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