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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @vasuki

08/28/17 03:43:42PM
3 posts

Help with saving dreads

salon and loctician dreads recovery

Thank you for your help
No i live in Saigon, Vietnam. I don't care about the money at all (i was actually a very manipulating guy and only care about making money before i met that girl). It's just a bit sad, i'm a clumsy guy and i know i'll fuck up if i do it myself that's why i went to the shop. Also wanted it to be a surprise for the girl.
The natural guy is still there

I confronted him though not to get the money back but to tell him there're ppl that actually really care about this and he should advice them before hand. He just replied that if you love it you should have looked online, he doesn't have time to explain to everyone and will just automatically do the crochet. I saw no point in continueing talking with him about this...
updated by @vasuki: 08/28/17 03:46:18PM
08/28/17 02:56:48PM
3 posts

Help with saving dreads

salon and loctician dreads recovery

Hi everyone. First of all, i would like to admit that i know it's my fault for getting dreadlocks without reading about ways to make dreads I live in Saigon and dreadlocks is completely not a thing here at all. Only in the recent year ppl start to get dreads but they completely don't care about the culture, just more wanna get the look. For me myself i never thought that i'd get one. But in the past few months, many things happened that lead me to embrace this and decided to seriously taking it. So i read that professionals can really help with getting proper dread and also they can guide you on how to maintain them better. So i went to the guy who's suppose to be the best and most well known for making dreads in Saigon (my knowledge about it before hand are only the meaning and history of dreadlock but i don't realize that there exist ways that can be harmful for your dread). And i guess you all know the result, he used crochet/ fetching technique. Only a day afterward when i was searching for more ways of taking care of the dreads when i stumbled upon the ways of making it and realized how dumb i was. I asked the guys and he said everyone here do that technique and no one bother to ask, plus no one complain also so he just automatically do crochet on everyone. So that's why i'm asking you guys things that i can do to save my dreads. Currently i have 35 of them and it took me 1,5 year to get to this length it'd be hard to shave them all because of this mistake. Also one of the dread (the first one) was a natural one that the girl i love found on our 2nd date and she loves it a lot (she changed my life and also big part of the reason i'm getting dreadlocks) so it'd be very painful for me to say goodbye to it. Please help :( And thank you all for reading this

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