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Forum Activity for @ravens-light

Raven's Light
02/01/17 09:56:39PM
346 posts

Treatment for hard spots

Dread Maintenance

I have a few dreads that seem to have a few spot that could be called hard, as they don't react much when I try to squeeze them, in fact, they don't really move much when I do just that. What is a good way to treat those? Would an ACV rinse do the job of loosening them up or is their better method? (I'm still unsure if I should be doing any kind of conditioning, as my roots are still recovering from having used an overly conditioning soap for a little too long)

Raven's Light
01/31/17 10:22:32PM
346 posts

To Congo Or Not To Congo

General Questions

I have been having this urge for a long time now, I have been kicking around the idea off and on, about just letting my dreads literally do their own thing, what I mean is congo up as they want to...ya know, releasing myself from all attachment of the physical, that sort of thing (well even more so than my dreads have done so already)....but I'm still unsure, cause if they get REALLY big, they will be harder to manage...and once they combine, I'm stuck with the size they've anyone have any thoughts, advice or ideas on this situation?

Raven's Light
01/29/17 11:16:15PM
346 posts

Question on Sea Salt?: Sprays vs Soaks

Dread Maintenance

Ok, I will keep that in mind. Thanks!

Raven's Light
01/29/17 10:18:15PM
346 posts

Question on Sea Salt?: Sprays vs Soaks

Dread Maintenance

I have thought about just putting it into my dr bronners batches that I make, how much salt is good, would a tablespoon be enough or could I get away with using a tea spoon's worth?

updated by @ravens-light: 01/29/17 10:20:05PM
Raven's Light
01/29/17 08:31:10PM
346 posts

Question on Sea Salt?: Sprays vs Soaks

Dread Maintenance


I had a question as to which method of applying sea salt to the roots, sprays or soaking gets better overall results? When I do a sea salt spray I usually leave it on my head for about an hour if I have the time. I am hoping to get my roots in good shape through maybe a soak, but I'm wondering which is 

updated by @ravens-light: 01/29/17 10:12:41PM
Raven's Light
01/26/17 04:57:42PM
346 posts

Reiki and Dreadlocks

History and Religious Significance

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

i know a lot of reiki practitioners and teachers

1 of my ex's was 1..1 of the most amazing women i ever met

reiki is 1 type of atunement, locking your hair is another

i don't think 1 caused the other except that  atunments open you up to be ready for more

I couldn't agree more on your comment about attunements. I feel that your statement is true. Attunements, of various sorts, open you up to the wider world than what most think of as "reality".

Raven's Light
01/26/17 03:45:56PM
346 posts

Reiki and Dreadlocks

History and Religious Significance


I am wondering how many people on this website have had expereince with Reiki and or practice it? I know that for me this art has ties to my dreadlock journey, as I was feeling intuitionally guided to learn it. After I had beaten cancer, I became a Reiki practitoner and teacher (I am trained in two separate schools, Usui attunements in 2013 and Sacred flame in 2015) , but I have never forgotten that moment of intersection, where I felt as if the universe/god/higher power (whatever one wants to call it) gave me the instruction "Lock your hair, and practice Reiki."  

Now as I sit here, a little over 4 years since my attunement (and subsequent training). I wonder, was it the intention to learn Reiki that led me into my dreadlock journey?....I realize this isn't an answerable question by really any but the subconscious mind....I just sort of feel like putting out some food for thought.

If I have put this in the wrong section of the forum please let me know.

Peace and Blessings to you all.

Raven's Light
01/25/17 09:51:20PM
346 posts

Moving Forward With Nature: My Dreadlock Journal

Member Journals and Timelines

Current photo of my dreads (now a little past my 3 year8 month mark by about 2 weeks). I am changing up how I deal with the fringe hair, I have been pushing it back over the parting of my dreads, which has seemed to help the 'gap' attached is a current photo of my gap and my dreads.

WIN_20170125_21_37_37_Pro.jpg WIN_20170125_21_37_37_Pro.jpg - 72KB
Raven's Light
01/23/17 07:45:41PM
346 posts

From Interlocking to Natural: My Dreadlock Journey

Introduce Yourself

Ok, I will keep that in mind, sorry to have jumped topics so much in this thread.

updated by @ravens-light: 01/23/17 07:48:45PM
Raven's Light
01/22/17 08:33:02PM
346 posts

From Interlocking to Natural: My Dreadlock Journey

Introduce Yourself

Should I make a whole new thread for any of the new questions I may have in the future and thus put this thread into disuse due to length? I ask this basically because of the fact of how long it is, and I'm sure very few users would want to have to scroll through it all if I had a question.

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