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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @justin-snead

Justin Snead
10/20/13 06:59:07PM
2 posts

Hello all! :)

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That sounds awesome! I've seen only one other person with dreadlocks in my 5 years as a Surgical Tech, so it would be pretty awesome to have a section like that. This way, people can discuss problems they may have encountered with employers and solutions that help fix them. Is the new site up and running and do I have to reregister?

soaring eagle said:


its a good thing you started over

dreads shouldnt be any issue in your career we have 1 or 2 doctors here and several nurses midwives doulas etc

many in medical careers

on the new site it would be awesome to have a group for many carrers like dreadlocks in medical carreers

so ya can all suport eachother

i can add a careers category to groups if u want

Justin Snead
10/20/13 05:39:43PM
2 posts

Hello all! :)

Introduce Yourself

After creeping around this site for a while, I figured it would be best to join. I've always wanted dreadlocks(almost like a calling if I must say), but due to my profession i've always went back and forth with my decision. The medical profession often looks down upon dreadlocks and anything that isn't "neat", but i've decided to go on the long and beautiful process of maturing some beautiful dreads. At first I failed to properly research and went with the backcombing method with beeswax. Such a terrible idea! They kept falling apart and my hair felt so gummy. Definitely not what I had in mind. After washing out the wax (which was a two day process involving dish detergent and vigorous shampooing) and researching some more I eventually stumbled across this site! So much information gained. I have now began by tnr and letting my hair be. It has been 1 week 3 days since i've began and I am in it for the long run. Hope to make friends with you all. Peace and blessings. :)

updated by @justin-snead: 01/13/15 09:59:03PM
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