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dreadlocks shampoo
Elvira Figueroa

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Elvira Figueroa
@elvira-figueroa • 7 months ago
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Elvira Figueroa
@elvira-figueroa • 7 months ago
User login:  @Elvira Figueroa

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1 yr & 1 month/ 10 months
Dread flip
6 months & 9 months
dreads 2 months
1 month full head 4 months half of my dreads
Getting stalked in class
3 weeks :)


Diva Locks
10/07/12 12:21:16AM @diva-locks:

beautiful dreads!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
08/10/12 02:40:58AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but i would stop palm rolling completely it does nothing good but can do alot of harm especialy id u do it allt

see baba fats video on pak=lm rol,ing damage

08/31/12 08:35:38AM @darkstar:

Welcome. Twisting is a very harmful method to use. If can be done once to set the stage for the sections, but should never be done again. When you twist, can you see scalp showing in between your locks? This is called traction alopecia. It eventually leads to baldness. And if you retwist twice a month, it'll start happening very soon.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
08/31/12 04:33:56AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but you shouldnt retwist them..ever retwisting causes thinning roots weakened dreads broken dreads traction alopecuia and eventually balding just stop twisting use the "popping" method to prevent congos other theb that just wash them..twisting puts tension on the roots...and scalp are u seeing scalp between dreads? thats traction alopecia setting in the longer u do it the worse it gets till your bald

08/31/12 08:35:38AM @darkstar:

Welcome. Twisting is a very harmful method to use. If can be done once to set the stage for the sections, but should never be done again. When you twist, can you see scalp showing in between your locks? This is called traction alopecia. It eventually leads to baldness. And if you retwist twice a month, it'll start happening very soon.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
08/31/12 04:33:56AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but you shouldnt retwist them..ever retwisting causes thinning roots weakened dreads broken dreads traction alopecuia and eventually balding just stop twisting use the "popping" method to prevent congos other theb that just wash them..twisting puts tension on the roots...and scalp are u seeing scalp between dreads? thats traction alopecia setting in the longer u do it the worse it gets till your bald

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