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dreadlocks shampoo
Eliezer de Souza da Silva


Location: Campinas, Sao Paulo
Country: BR

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Baba Fats
12/03/12 09:44:52PM @baba-fats:


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/03/12 07:20:37PM @soaring-eagle:

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/26/12 01:16:37AM @soaring-eagle:

there4s not much tio it stop preventinmg dreads and dreads happen so wash but dont comb or condition let dreads form seperate as needed thats all

12/22/12 08:56:02PM @amanda7:

I see the comment you left for SE there. To form natural dreads, just stop brushing. Its that simple. You only have to wash 1-3 times a week and separate when the sections get too big.

As for you mom not letting you do what you want, just stop brushing. She will notice a change, but she can hardly make you brush your hair right? She doesn't have to know anything about dreads.

12/22/12 01:25:12PM @tony2:

Welcome and Happy Dreading..

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/22/12 11:58:17AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome i wouldnt bother with extentions they wont feel reak]l to u and you will cut em off anyway they extend themselves with growth

12/22/12 08:43:36AM @darkstar:

Welcome. It'll take around a year for you to be able to add extensions if you are trying to grow healthy locks. Extensions need something solid to hand onto. It'll be a long way off before your locks are mature enough to hold extensions well

12/22/12 06:39:48AM @amanda7:

Welcome to the community! But, why are you going to use extensions? What exactly do you think natural means? I'm not trying to be snidey with that question. It's just that some people have different ideas of what the natural method means. What it really means is that you let your hair go (no brushing) and it eventually dreads itself. Personally, I think it is better to go completely natural. Then, all the hair you have will be your own, thustrulynatural.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/26/12 01:16:37AM @soaring-eagle:

there4s not much tio it stop preventinmg dreads and dreads happen so wash but dont comb or condition let dreads form seperate as needed thats all

12/22/12 08:56:02PM @amanda7:

I see the comment you left for SE there. To form natural dreads, just stop brushing. Its that simple. You only have to wash 1-3 times a week and separate when the sections get too big.

As for you mom not letting you do what you want, just stop brushing. She will notice a change, but she can hardly make you brush your hair right? She doesn't have to know anything about dreads.

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