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Dreadlocks Forums

Do not make the same mistake I did. Go natural.

Audrey Bowdan
12 years ago
5 posts

So I am a month in having dreadlocks and its been a learning process, let me tell you. I wanted to share what I went through to get these loverly locks and how thankful I am to have stumbled upon this site.After reading about dreads I knew they were for me and after a small amount of research, I went shopping. I picked up a set of crochet hooks, rubber bands, bees wax, a fine metal toothed comb, and some sulfate free shampoo. Uhhh huu. I sectioned off my hair with the rubberbands, back combed the sections, and then went through and stabed the hell out of them with the crochet hook. After I felt they were good and knoted I rubbed bees wax on them. After about eight hours they started loosing up. So, I went back through and crochet them agian. And then agian the next morning. And agian that night. I had blooly fingers from the crochet hook, my scalp was really pissed off at me, and I looked like something from a sifi film.That day, I ran into this site. I laughed out loud at my supidity. I was doing it all wrong. So, I washed my hair in boiling water and a bottle of Dawn dish soap oh, about four times. I was able to comb out the dreads I had tried so hard to "create" and then I soaked my hair in baking soda and hot water for about thrity minuets. The damage done to my hair was minimal. I was able to get most of the wax out. Pheeww.With my nice clean and mostly wax free hair I started over. No tools, no products, no pain. I used the twist and rip method which worked beautifuly. I am currently rinsing my hair with baking soad and tea tree oil and then a peppermint tea rinse with apple cider vinager, once a week. That is all. I do not have to worry about my hair. I started it from a natural point and am not trying to "create" dreads. I love my hair.

updated by @audrey-bowdan: 02/14/15 08:12:54AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

its jut so much easier to just let it happen without the pain without the constant frustration and all the wasted effort

just the bare minimum.. relaxed and easy.. no blood spilled.. no hours of agony

no damage ..just simple acceptance in the way things always were done,.the traditional ways the simplest simplicity.. the zen of hair care.. ahh inspiration just hit going to write a blog zen and the art of dreadlocking

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Shade Of Ashes
12 years ago
78 posts

Awesome post, thank you so much for sharing. I completely agree with the pain of crocheting... not only does it suck for hair, but the damage alone to the fingertips is just not worth it and probably reason enough not to crochet in the first place! I did exactly the same thing you did, minus the wax (wax was later and then came out immediately when I read some scary stuff) but my fingers alone were so torn up and bloodied that I swear they were crying little red tears of sadness. Thank you for contributing some very vital and pertinent information that I know I could have used when starting my own journey; hopefully other new dreadies will take heed of your amazing post. :)

Audrey Bowdan
12 years ago
5 posts
Thank you for taking to time to read it. :)

DemeterGray said:

Awesome post, thank you so much for sharing. I completely agree with the pain of crocheting... not only does it suck for hair, but the damage alone to the fingertips is just not worth it and probably reason enough not to crochet in the first place! I did exactly the same thing you did, minus the wax (wax was later and then came out immediately when I read some scary stuff) but my fingers alone were so torn up and bloodied that I swear they were crying little red tears of sadness. Thank you for contributing some very vital and pertinent information that I know I could have used when starting my own journey; hopefully other new dreadies will take heed of your amazing post. :)

Circle Dancer
12 years ago
121 posts

Yay! I agree, you don't have to do anything to them. I've never crocheted or anything, I love mine!

12 years ago
539 posts

Thanks for sharing your experience Audrey and I'm glad you found a more natural way to go, sans the insane bloody battle with maintenance. I'm glad the damage was minimal and you were able to start fresh with more information. :)

12 years ago
7 posts

How long u been on the natural route? do you have any pics? im just over 2 months in on mine. I love reading storys on this site - i have to come back for reassurance all the time that im doing mine the right way :)

Audrey Bowdan
12 years ago
5 posts
I am about a month and a half along. I thought i posted a few photos a few weeks ago. I need to post some more. Its very difficult to get a good picture of dreads. This site is wonderful for information and feedback. The great thing about dreads is, if your doing nothing, your doing it right. :p

Esjay said:

How long u been on the natural route? do you have any pics? im just over 2 months in on mine. I love reading storys on this site - i have to come back for reassurance all the time that im doing mine the right way :)

12 years ago
7 posts

I have used a salt spray every now and then - and had to rip em apart as i dont want huge chunky ones but thats about it. :)

I have been only washing it weekly or as long as poss in between as it seems to loosen the locks alot.....however iv been getting mixed feed back on that.....gonna go get some apple cider vinegar today and some rosemary and tea tree to make my own wash up :)

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