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Hair loss from root threading and extensions - does it grow back?

11 years ago
12 posts

I have acquired some traction alocopia frombad lockitician maintainence practices:(

I went to a dodgy loctician for root maintenance around 8 months ago.During a consultation she said she could crochet my dreadlocks but come the day of the appointment she began to wrap threadtightly around my roots instead. When I insisted she crochet my roots she backcombed my roots with a comb and then proceeded to crochet the roots repeatively stabbing my scalp. After my complaining about the pain several times she stated that the pain was unavoidable and asked me how I could have put up with this "unavoidable" pain from locticians before.I wish I would of walked out of the appointment right then and there. Afterwards I complained to herin writing, despite getting a rude reply I got part of my money back.

The thread was in myroots for about 2 monthsuntil I found another loctician to remove it.(The thread was too tightly threaded for me to remove it myself) . I also had some synthetic dread extensions installed thta turned out to be heavy about 4 months ago, that were causing my dreads to twist.To my horror I discovered mycentre part had widened and a few balding spots. I had them taken out one month ago.

I did ask a doctor about the hair loss. He said hair will most probably grow back but he can't guarantee it. Has anyone on the forum recovered their hair back after experiencing alocopia? I being very careful now to keep the roots loose and no more synthetic extensions.

updated by @dreadykat: 01/22/20 09:33:16AM
11 years ago
18 posts

Have never experienced this but a friend of mine who had alopecia (not from dreads she was just born with it) used a cream on her bald spots and it solved the problem, you could ask your doctor about any creams you can use? Good luck

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

never ever go to a loctician never crochet the dreads at all

your destroying them every tike u do that

lopecia is only part of the problem u must stop going to locticians and crocheting!

now for the alo[ecia we have saved very severe alopecia yours cant be so bad in under a year


stop forcing the roots to be tight..start trying to loosen them

dread rioots bewed to be as loose as they want to be u force them to be any tighter then that and u fget alopecia

alopecia is the tidy look locticians causew on purpose..

never ever ever ever ever ever go anywhere near any locticu=ian

ok since u have gone to them we need to know every single thing they did and used (products) they all do drreads wrong

srry back to the alopecia

loosen the roots tie them up loosely or put in tam keep all tension off the roots

massage the scalp daily ti increase bloosflow use essential oils that increase blodfloe like pepermint and cinomin

if its bad take biotin supliments



My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
12 posts

Thankyou for your replies and advice. My dreads were initially made by a loctician by backcoming and crocheting. Wax has nether been used on my hair. However I did use Jamican Mango & Lime Locking Gel for a while. Ididdiscover so building up in my dreadsso I switched to aloe vera to control the frizzies.I'm also considering making some flaxseed gel to give a try. I was my hair with dreadheadhq shampoo. I also dye the roots of my hair that may have contributed to hair loss. I'm thinking of switching to henna. Will henna make my hair stronger?

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

DreadyKat, please don't do anything else to your hair right now in regards to coloring, even henna. At the moment you have extreme scalp damage and need to let that heal first. :)

11 years ago
300 posts

henna will make your hair gets rid of dandrufftoo.i might wait like barrellady said though. just to give your hair some time to rest. if yougo with henna go to i recommend them like i do this site becayse the info is legit and they are interested in the wellbeing ofpeople interested in henna. do NOT getHenna Hut. its got chemicals init.henna is red-orange. no other color, however you can mix it with indigo for black. it explains on the website. good luck with your journey and healing

DreadyKat said:

Thankyou for your replies and advice. My dreads were initially made by a loctitan by backcoming and crocheting. Wax has nether been used on my hair. However I did use Jamican Mango & Lime Locking Gel for a while. Ididdiscover so building up in my dreadsso I switched to aloe vera to control the frizzies.I'm also considering making some flaxseed gel to give a try. I was my hair with dreadheadhq shampoo. I also dye the roots of my hair that may have contributed to hair loss. I'm thinking of switching to henna. Will henna make my hair stronger?

11 years ago
72 posts

Your Hairs Mantle is strongest at is natural Ph level of around 4.5 so don't over do it with baking Soda or Apple Cider Vinegar.

Dreadlock Extensions suck In my opinion, I hadsyntheticfor a short time and it just slowed theprogressof mynatural hair ... was so glad when I cut'em out.

Dreadlock extensions made with 100% real human hair can be found tosupportthevirginhair trade, some poor girl made to grow her hair for 16 years and then have it cut off and sold, and then the poor girl isdisregarded,even worseextensions made with 100% real human hairalsosupportthe dead hair trade ... haircollectedfrom the deceased ... morecommonthan most realize.

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