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My Journey From Waxy Salon Dreads to My NOW Wax-Free Natural Dreads!

Sarah Weathers
12 years ago
42 posts

Hello to everyone :)

First a BIG THANK YOU to Soaring Eagle and this community for helping guide me from my waxy salon dreads to my now wax-free natural ones. I am on my first week wax-free. I wanted to post a bit about my journey, including photos which I hope you can see.

The first photo is what they looked like waxy. Twisted and sticky. I was smiling here, sure - but I felt really really gross and unnatural with my hair all waxed and gross.

Then on the 2nd day of having waxy head hell, I soaked my head in a gallon of distilled pure white vinegar, then washed them vigorously with dish soap several times. I got *most* of the wax out. I believe 80% of it. Wax is VERY HARD to get out. I cannot feel any of it in my hair anymore.

After de-waxing, my hair was a big mess, but was already starting to dread, and I continued to help it along for the first couple days by making sure they were not dreading together, etc. I have long fine straight hair. They had a head start from the salon's vigorous back-combing, so the dreads were still partially intact after de-waxing. I have a lot of loose hair and natural chaos going on, but it is getting there. I am very happy.

I now have washed them for the first time with the Bucks County Just 4 Dreads Shampoo, which you can find on this site. The last 2 photos are what my dreads look like now:

they are on their way. NO MORE WAX. WAX IS AWFUL!!!!

updated by @sarah-weathers: 02/14/15 10:50:24AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

wow they look so much better wax free

i would trythe wax b gone stil thrre still might be some in em tho thry are kinda thin and u did dewax early while still loose so u might have lucked out

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Sarah Weathers
12 years ago
42 posts

yes i thought of maybe the wax b gone, but i think i got the majority of it out. there is zero feeling of tacky or waxy. i think i may just got forth and see how they form from now. the loose hairs and individual dreads feel clean without wax residue at all even when i squeeze them - no waxy tacky feel at all. i think i got pretty much most of it out. if i got what i'd estimate as 80% or more of the wax out, would that still not be enough for healthy dreads going forth?

soaring eagle said:

wow they look so much better wax free

i would trythe wax b gone stil thrre still might be some in em tho thry are kinda thin and u did dewax early while still loose so u might have lucked out

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

u cant feel whats inside when you touch your head can you feel what the center of your brain feels like? the more u get out the better areas where wax is still nside may dread very slow or not at all

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Sarah Weathers
12 years ago
42 posts

of course, i mean i'm a smart girl - i know i can't feel every amount of wax residue that may remain in my hair. but, i guess i just have been happy with how they have progressed since my wax removal - and i suppose i can't really know ever if i got it ALL out, even with wax b gone. they are thin dreads that are quite loose - i guess i figure the wax is mostly out due to their thin looseness and just going off of my best sense, which is just intuition. i feel like the wax is mostly gone. that is all i can really go off of. it's hard to stay positive - i am trying very hard to stick to the natural method and undo what i went through at the salon. i'm also trying hard not to be overly anxious.

soaring eagle said:

u cant feel whats inside when you touch your head can you feel what the center of your brain feels like? the more u get out the better areas where wax is still nside may dread very slow or not at all

Sarah Weathers
12 years ago
42 posts

i guess what i mean to say is that i understand and deeply respect the entirely natural method of dreading one's hair. i unfortunately stumbled on it too late, and have done what i can within my power and budget to remove the wax and recuperate and get back on track naturally. all i can do is work with what i have. i feel choked up - just like i'll never get back on an acceptable path toward life-long dreads. i know that every method that was used on my hair in the beginning was diametrically opposed to the natural method. i'm trying to just stay positive and post positive things i'm trying. i thought getting most of the wax out was good enough - i tried my best. i feel a bit defeated.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

well concidering all thart the thinness and looseness you could be right that u did get it out pretty well just from past experiences its always a god idea to go beyond when your pretty sure its gone

maybe just to dso another vinager/dawn removal once a week for next 3 or 4 weeks that way thy can dread a bit between but srtill get more out b4 its to set inj

u did do good so far they look way way way better and healkthier

your on the right opath now

and they will be amazing

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Sarah Weathers
12 years ago
42 posts

thank you for your reply, as always, i respect your words. i guess next washing i can do another vinegar soak / dish soap wash. or i could get the wax b gone when i can afford it. i'm sure there is some still in there. it is seriously nearly impossible to remove, as i know you've heard from thousands of people who fell victim to the scams with wax. in your opinion, SE, do you think anyone with just *traces* of wax (like removing MOST of it) can have successful dreads? or must it be 100% gone every single trace?

soaring eagle said:

well concidering all thart the thinness and looseness you could be right that u did get it out pretty well just from past experiences its always a god idea to go beyond when your pretty sure its gone

maybe just to dso another vinager/dawn removal once a week for next 3 or 4 weeks that way thy can dread a bit between but srtill get more out b4 its to set inj

u did do good so far they look way way way better and healkthier

your on the right opath now

and they will be amazing

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

well ive seen ppl use surfboard wax that literaly is the hardest wax to remove and they loved their dreads tho im sure it was more gluedtogether and not at al dreaded the more wax u get out the better abd 80% should let it dread pretty well

but the buildup can still cause it to go rancid down the line..wont nesacarily byt could

some ppl are happy with waxy dreads cause it is a convincing ilusion thery think they are more mature and all

but we had 1 girl that waxedc the 1st couple or few weeks then stopped..5 years later found us and the waxy ends were still not dreasded she combed em out and removed the wax and in 1 week saw more progressthen 5 years with wax in the ends

ofcourse she hadnt tried agresive removal during all those years jut normal washings

Sarah Weathers said:

thank you for your reply, as always, i respect your words. i guess next washing i can do another vinegar soak / dish soap wash. or i could get the wax b gone when i can afford it. i'm sure there is some still in there. it is seriously nearly impossible to remove, as i know you've heard from thousands of people who fell victim to the scams with wax. in your opinion, SE, do you think anyone with just *traces* of wax (like removing MOST of it) can have successful dreads? or must it be 100% gone every single trace?

soaring eagle said:

well concidering all thart the thinness and looseness you could be right that u did get it out pretty well just from past experiences its always a god idea to go beyond when your pretty sure its gone

maybe just to dso another vinager/dawn removal once a week for next 3 or 4 weeks that way thy can dread a bit between but srtill get more out b4 its to set inj

u did do good so far they look way way way better and healkthier

your on the right opath now

and they will be amazing

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Sarah Weathers
12 years ago
42 posts

SE: i really went looking carefully into each dread as much as i could, and found one small area of wax. GAH! so, i was disgusted and just for good measure i just got back in the shower, wet all my hair, soaked it in dish soap and squeezed it in and rinsed and repeated one more time. then i re-washed with that great dread shampoo i bought from one of the shops on this site. the bucks county soap factory shampoo. i'm hoping it's all out now. i hope i did the right thing. it seems it never ends. one application of wax - it is crazy. i have eczema so it is hard on my skin to do all these harsh measures to remove the wax (even though i know it is necessary). i didn't do the vinegar this time or spend as much time in the shower due to my eczema being so bad, but i hope this additional wash with dish soap will be good enough to eradicate it. my skin is suffering from the washing... which makes me so mad at those wax peddlers. i hope my hair will be ok.

soaring eagle said:

well ive seen ppl use surfboard wax that literaly is the hardest wax to remove and they loved their dreads tho im sure it was more gluedtogether and not at al dreaded the more wax u get out the better abd 80% should let it dread pretty well

but the buildup can still cause it to go rancid down the line..wont nesacarily byt could

some ppl are happy with waxy dreads cause it is a convincing ilusion thery think they are more mature and all

but we had 1 girl that waxedc the 1st couple or few weeks then stopped..5 years later found us and the waxy ends were still not dreasded she combed em out and removed the wax and in 1 week saw more progressthen 5 years with wax in the ends

ofcourse she hadnt tried agresive removal during all those years jut normal washings

Sarah Weathers said:

thank you for your reply, as always, i respect your words. i guess next washing i can do another vinegar soak / dish soap wash. or i could get the wax b gone when i can afford it. i'm sure there is some still in there. it is seriously nearly impossible to remove, as i know you've heard from thousands of people who fell victim to the scams with wax. in your opinion, SE, do you think anyone with just *traces* of wax (like removing MOST of it) can have successful dreads? or must it be 100% gone every single trace?

soaring eagle said:

well concidering all thart the thinness and looseness you could be right that u did get it out pretty well just from past experiences its always a god idea to go beyond when your pretty sure its gone

maybe just to dso another vinager/dawn removal once a week for next 3 or 4 weeks that way thy can dread a bit between but srtill get more out b4 its to set inj

u did do good so far they look way way way better and healkthier

your on the right opath now

and they will be amazing

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