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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

Bad Habits

Sophie Helen Bulbring Robertson
11 years ago
13 posts

I've had my dreads for about 2 years and only recently (with reading and etc) realized that i may be damaging then with my bad habits.

i don't plan on cutting them anytime soon, and i wouldn't want to damage them while i keep them, or damage my hair or scull for when i do cut them, so let me try rectify my wrongs i decided.

so heres what i do, please tell me how to do it better and what i shouldnt do.

1. i did crochets (i've been told thats the worst so that i have stopped now, and shant do).

2, i was washing my hair only once a week or once every 2 weeks (also was told that was bad, so i will rectify that)

now for the stuff i need comments on.

3. i dye my hair. . . is that ok?

4. sometimes my scull feels like its being tugged uncomfortably, how do i fix that?

5. i have the smallest of bald patches between two dreads, its very small, but you knw when you knw something is there, u over react, will it get better with the stopping of crocheting or will it grow because dreads are heavyish?

6. i dont use a special shampoo or any products, should i? if so, what?

7. in terms of putting things in my hair like beeds etc, how do i go about that?

my dreads are weak, or looking bad, but i wouldnt want it to ever get there, so plz help :):)


updated by @sophie-helen-bulbring-robertson: 01/13/15 09:54:18PM
the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts
  1. Good for you for learning what crochet hooks do,
  2. Great you are keeping them nice and clean
  3. Well, gals on here do dye their hair, but at what cost? Dye damages undreaded hair, but that gets cut every so often, and it can be conditioned deeply when needed with undreaded hair. With dreads, it causes dryness, do you get some dye stuck inside that can eat at the hair all day???Who knows.Healthy dreadlocks are happy dreadlocks, full of strength. Embrace your natural color and don't dye it.
  4. Your scalp hurts due to the crochet method being done up to the scalp. Mature dreads should have about a 1 inch loose scalp area so this does not happen. As your hair grows now, it will loosen up and feel more comfortable. That is why you see so many photos of people who constantly get their hair "maintained" who have scalp showing, hair loss due to the scalp stress..
  5. The small bald area is due to crocheting, the hair will fill in slowly as it repairs itself...if you leave it alone
  6. Yes you should use a special shampoo or bar just for dreads. Many, most, shampoos out there slowly leave a residue build up inside dreads. If you live in an area with hard water, the best shampoo to use is from , created by a member on this site. If you have soft water, most dread shampoos will be good for you. I will attach a map below so you can see what your water type is. Hopefully you have soft water. The other shampoo for hard water, can be used with all water types, is shipped from the States.
  7. For beads, find the ones with the proper hole size so that it is not tight around your dreads. If you need to enlarge the hole with a drill, make sure to sand the inside so there are no rough spots that can catch your dreads. Yours look pretty solid, so you can just slip them on if the right size. You can even use rings for fingers that are the right size, they look great.

You are on the right path with all your questions. Your dreads will be happy because you have learned so much already. By the way, I love your profile pic, what a lively couple....hope this helps...peace

Sophie Helen Bulbring Robertson
11 years ago
13 posts

Thank you so much for taking the time to type all of that out, i appreciate it a lot, i really wouldn't want to damage my dreads.

im still a bit confused about the shampoo and hard water soft water thing. . . dont really understand it.

not that i want to right now, but when cutting my dreads off, what is the process? like just go bald and will my hair be healthy and normal when it grows back? now all dry and weak?

Sophie Helen Bulbring Robertson
11 years ago
13 posts

and thank you (blush), we are growing strong. :) 4 years

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

1 crochet recovery takes a long time

2 wash at least weekly 2-3 ties a weeks better

3 dyings a risk but not nesacarily severe if u follow precautions u find here

4 let it grow out more natural lil jojoba on the roots to loosen em may help too

5 again let it grow out naturaly in 3-6 months it should be fine

6 yes if u used regular shampoo use nutragena anti resudiue or suave clarifying...once..and only oncethey are toxic but will strip the residues then use a dread shampoo like 9best dreadlocks shampoo) from then on

7 beads well if u blunted the tips might be harder but the stiffness of crochet dreads might make it easier too but normaly i make a thread loop put thru the bead catch the dread tip pull it thru the bead slide up til it sticks

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Sophie Helen Bulbring Robertson
11 years ago
13 posts

where do i get "nutragena residue"?

you guys have been a great help, thank god i came across this website (while looking up pictures of will smith to help my bf find a new hairdo)

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

any drug store carries the Neutrogena Anti Residue Shampoo. just purchase the smallest bottle they have

Sophie Helen Bulbring Robertson said:

where do i get "nutragena residue"?

you guys have been a great help, thank god i came across this website (while looking up pictures of will smith to help my bf find a new hairdo)

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