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Too thin/many locs?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

can you accuraly measure the square inches of something thats sharped more like an amoeba then A square by taking only 2 measurements?

your heads not square is it?
and yes you can say if you have 1 inch dreads and then you have 30 dreads that 1 times 30 is what?

isnt it easier to multiply the number of dreads by the thicjness of the dreads then to estimate how much area falls inside and outside of a measurement that assumes a square inch are wiuld be both square and flat?

your measuring a relativly round ir at least curved surface that has no straight lines to call an edge with points at the sirdeburns ecxtending ab inch outside tghe general "scalp" area

you can draw all the diagrams you want but since they arent 3 do]=imentional representations hey still will be inacurate and flawed

i really domt even understand the point of this

the whole thigs about if your dreads are too thin or not

and either you have 80 dreads and they are thin


you have 1 inch dreads and they are thick

one or the other but not both

get it?

either you cant count your dreads (i had over 100 i know how hard it is to count them when you cant figure out if you counted this 1 yet or counted it twice already)

so i assume that your maths not inaccurate based on dread size but dread coy=unt

chances are you only have 40 and miscounted

every single time i counted my dreads i got a wildly difereng number ..partialy conf=going and getting new dreads causes that but its also very easy to get lost in the count when you have over 50-60 draades and at 1 point i had 240 including babies (i think)

Kevin said:

Well im still going to say its about 60 square inches. I dont know how you cant accept simple facts of math.

Seriously how far is your hair in inches from where it starts in the front to the back and multiply the length in inches from one side to the other that's how you get square inches. I guarantee you will get atleast more than double what you are trying to tell me. There is no 'well my dreads are about x inches and I have about 25 or whatever'. That's not how you measure.

I will make up a diagram if you can understand pictures better...

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 07/10/15 08:28:02AM
12 years ago
25 posts

Thank you Valerie!!!

Valrie said:

Oh fun.

"The average human head (an average scalp measures approximately 120 square inches or 770 cm)..." Now that is most certainly an average since heads are varying sizes as well as heads in comparison to

Good night loves.

12 years ago
25 posts

I was simply trying to say if you used a 1 inch base there is no way you would only have 20-30 dreads!

Because I used a 1 inch BASE and have twice that many. Most people I assume are 'guesstimating' the base when they do it and do it slightly larger 1-1/2 I'm guessing. Not the actual width of your loc.

Just want that to be clear for people who are starting out themselves as I followed the 1 inch and have much smaller locs than originally intended.

12 years ago
539 posts

Oh, and based on the fact of the scalp being 120"

The square root of 120 is not even 11 Which means that if done as closely as possible to a 1"x1" grid the average person would not even have 11 1"x1" dreads. At best, they would have 10 1"x1" and realistically, less than that because all of the dreads around the hairline would not be perfect squares... which probably, mostly would make up for the left over 954451150... still under the radical.

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

I'm with Val. Lets get back to the fact that your locks look fine. They are thunner now, but as they mature, they will take on roughly the exact size of the section.

12 years ago
102 posts thin dreads are the same size throughout (scalp/base and actual dread) but my congoed and thick dreads are much thicker at the base then at the actual dread. One of em has a base of just under an inch in diameter while being half as thick at the middle.Ups?Either way you shouldn't worry. If one dread becomes too thick you can always undread it, even when mature. It might take you 5 hours, but it's possible and you'll keep enough of the hair so it can redread at similar length (although you'll lose length/thickness due to losing loose hair that was stuck in the dread). Dreads are gonna vary in thickness/length any way unless you go to a loctician so worrying about perfect dreads is completely useless and in vain.
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