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Dreadlocks Forums

dreaducation, comprehensive guide to all things dready

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
5 years ago
29,641 posts

coconut oil can build up badly and you should wash way more often

you wouldnt need the oil or have the dryness issue if you washed 1-3 times a week

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
rays of the sun
2 years ago
21 posts
Hey soaring eagle, just wanted to thank you for this informative and well-written Dreaducation post, it is still helping people all these years later! I’ve just begun my 2nd dreadlock journey a few days ago, natural (neglect). I like to call it the “peaceful method”, as it really feels like making peace with my body and my hair. Anyway, nice to brush up on the care routine for natural dreads, since my first dread journey (TnR) was 10 years ago. Peace and hope you’re well!
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