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veggie vegan omni ital? whats your diet and hows it relate to your dreadiness (if at all)

11 years ago
96 posts

where do you get this random amount of time from? why 2 years? that seems like a number you came up with. no i will not try ANYTHING for a minimum of 2 years if it is making me feel sick. if at several months, i still feel unhealthy, that isn't going to suddenly change at the 2 year mark.

updated by @justsomechick: 07/03/15 04:36:57AM
11 years ago
96 posts

now, I will say this. I am undergoing a detox. Today I am fasting and will be starting a smoothie fast (I HATE juicing so i'm going to do green smoothies,) after my son's birthday party this saturday. i may consider trying it again after my smoothie fast. but if it makes me feel like crap, then it makes me feel like crap.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

2 years vecause it takes over 1 year before your free of all the toxins in mean-=t 1 year before your body adjusts 1 year before meat starts being rejected as a tocxic substance

ok so if youder a heroin addict all your life your never going to quite cause quitting makes u feel sick for the 1st few months?

ofcourse u might not feel good during detox but when u finnish detoxing u feelincredibly heaklthy

it takes 2 years to be sure your on the right path and to know the full benifits

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
96 posts

if you stop eating anything for that long, your body will begin to reject it since it stops making the enzymes to digest it.. this is true with sugar too.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

no it wont thats stupid i never ate a pomeh-granete untill 2 years ah=go my body never regeb0cted it

only meat is rejected because its not part of the natural diet you cant digest it the bacteria and enzymes needed to break iy =t down die and u mno longer can difopgest it

a child born to a vegatarain parent will be hospitolized if it ingests meat or even if the mom does and he ingests the breast milk after mom ate meat

you are not designed to eat meat


veggies and fruits u can go a lifetime without eatting then eat them and your bodt -y will thank you not reacte like you poisioned it

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
96 posts

That is downright silly to say. first of all, i have meat eating friends born to veg parents. nope, not hospitalized for eating meat. i'm done having this discussion if you're going to make such generalizations.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

because most veg parents bite the buklet and eat meat di[-uring pregnancy to alow the child to make a choice

but yea they will i lived wiy=th vegans who had a baby she accidently ate soup with beef broth o[in it the baby got so sick from her milk it had to be hospitolo]=ized

your dont cause your too close minded to even accept that anyone else might be right and to even bother trying it for yiurself

yoir loss

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
96 posts

so, you really that the the beef broth is the only thing that could have made that child sick? and that because you know ONE child who may or may not have gotten from her mother consuming beef broth, that this applies to ALL children born to and breastfed by a veg? I'm sorry but that's a ridiculous generalization. I can't even fathom how one can take one isolated incident and try to apply it to an entire population of millions of people.

I already said, EAT HOWEVER MAKES YOU FEEL HEALTHY. i even said that i plan to try vegetarianism again. But if you want to talk about closed mindedness, let me suggest that you take a good look in the mirror. You are so close minded that you aren't even willing to sit and think about the fact that there are plenty of healthy meat eating individuals, which I provided evidence of already. You are too close minded to consider the fact that applying one incident to a whole group of people is scientifically bunk. And you are definitely too close minded to consider that you might be wrong, meanwhile I'm sitting over here saying that I PLAN to attempt vegetarianism again.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

yes the beef broth made them sick and thats only 1 example i know many mote its why many vegatarian parents choose to eat a small ammount of meat to alow their kids the choice

your freinds probably started eatting meat later in life (teens0 and they surely got very sick but not to the point of haveing to be hospitolo]ized an inc]=fant however would beed to be because being that sicxk would cause choking hazzards dehydration and other dangers

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

then do it why are you arguing instead of doing?

and i thought you were done and leaving?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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