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Dreadlocks Forums

Where have all the dreadheads gone? :-(

rays of the sun
2 years ago
21 posts

Hey there all, I’ve visited this site some years back , I had my first set of dreads (TnR) about 10 years ago so probably around that time. I’ve just started my second dreadlock journey 3 days ago, freeform natural this time. Loving the way my hair looks already! And planning on starting a timeline with my pictures soon.

But where have all the dread heads gone? It’s super quiet around here. There was another dreadlock forum I frequented 10 years ago, lots of timelines there, but I don’t remember its name and I can’t find it either.

Frankly, I have seen so many folks turn into robots in the age of c0v!d, and I don’t even know where to find the weirdos, hippies, heathens, far-out folks, rebels, and freedom fighters anymore. WHERE IS EVERYONE?!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
2 years ago
29,641 posts


I haven’t gone nowhere in a very long time

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
rays of the sun
2 years ago
21 posts
You keep us rooted here soaring eagle :-) Your presence is a blessing. It would be great to get more community back here, though I do see that a lot of visitors still come around here, so this site is still giving wisdom and insight. I think I am just down about the state of the world in general, that in can be hard to find kindreds in this time of isolation and separation. Thanks for keeping this place going ☮️
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
2 years ago
29,641 posts

Yea it’s been a shitty few years for everyone

were you one of the ones quite awhile ago who was interested in land an an actual community?

im gettting married to a beautiful unique and special Kenyan woman and we are going to build an eco community somewhere

after all this I’m ready to have a community

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
rays of the sun
2 years ago
21 posts
That’s incredible, congratulations on the happy news! No, I’m a new commenter to this forum, though I have read it on and off for years. The eco homes on the website look really cool, I’d love to have something like that in the future. I’m American, but live in Norway; are you planning on building in the US, or Kenya?
I definitely want some land of my own in the near future too; land feels like security.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
2 years ago
29,641 posts

We have a small peice of land in Kenya but I prefer to stay near where I fly with

the fjords soaring is a dream of mine

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
rays of the sun
2 years ago
21 posts
The fjords here are very beautiful. Awesome video!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
2 years ago
29,641 posts

Yes they are

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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