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3rd Journey

Gazzunger the Grey
4 years ago
91 posts

Some of those litttle fellers creep up on you while you're not looking and misbehave, I've had a couple that I tried unpicking the ends cos they balled right up and get too thick...think i used an olde knotting needle (no crotchet hooks in this house!)

Like your planting from a few weeks back, are they some kind've bean?  Love your blackening sky pic too..the grass looks really parched where you are.

Its been realy dry last month (May) and I got fed up having to water loads: rain is back and bringing slugs too...."ARRgh, leave my beans alone..slimy beasts" 

4 years ago
233 posts

We have Eggplants, Peas, Green Bean, Pumpkin, Tomato, Grape, Blueberry, Potatoes, Basil, Spearmint, and Succulents!

Oh yes we’re very dry here, 7arce:1cow ! The garden has been through some rough times! Some thrive while others didn’t survive. Between the dogs, squirrels, and aphids... *sigh* If I get to see and eat at least one mini pumpkin this year I’ll call that good. 🥺😅 We learned recently not only are slugs gross but they can actually make you sick if you’re not careful to wash well after handling!

updated by @peaceful-passer: 06/09/20 10:37:00AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts

people eat the banana slugs you know the huge ones

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
4 years ago
233 posts

Yum?? have you had one? Some people also eat scorpions and blowfish (the possibly deadly fish to eat?- one out of every 60 kills someone... something like that lol!)!

updated by @peaceful-passer: 06/09/20 10:44:54AM
Gazzunger the Grey
4 years ago
91 posts

@S Eagle  Never fancied Slugs, but just started researching someone (from California I think) who experimented eating slugs; looks like he deep fries them in batter and spices, said they taste like a cross between calamari and mushroom (could be worse). This guy mentions using Dr Broners to disinfect things (also for washing dreads?) He seemed to go through a long desliming process boiling them in ACV hmm

We get some fairly similar slugs over here (not quite like your banana boys) but dont think Im desperate enough to start stir frying them yet!

Apparently you have to feed them clean lettuce for a day or two to purge and toxic stuff out. I recall one TV chef trying to clean slime from them in vinegar with little success and We had a manager at work you would eat snails he gathered in the wild..  Think I'll stick with mushrooms for now...

@ peacefull passer  my blue berries (first year) are a nice shade of green at the moment, must protect them from the birds soon.Leeks and  carrots are looking ok.  Have various pots of compost with runner beans and green beans (hope to train the runners up into my tree branches) Have a few small apple trees in pots doing ok, peas dont seem to like my soil- but i will get them growing one year!  No room for a cow as I only have about 0.01 Acre garden or less. Trade you some leeks for one of your big pumkins?

4 years ago
233 posts
You know more about it than I do! @gazzunger-the-grey. I’ve had snails. Not bad especially dipped in melted salty butter 👍

Very exciting to be seeing blueberries! We have one but there’s no berries that I can see, I’m told it takes 2-3 years to start getting a good harvest. I love to hear your garden is doing so well! I hope next year I can say the same! We planted mini-pumpkins! I have seeds for large ones as well but I don’t have space for them so they’ll have to wait.

My eggplant flowered just the other day, I see new buds beginning ! I’d like some goat 🐐for milking, maybe? Even a cow, fresh is so much better and cost effective
Gazzunger the Grey
4 years ago
91 posts

Eggplants?  think they're Called Aubergines over here, (like slugs, I've never tried one!)...   Do you get any "helpful, wildlife gardeners?  We get hedgehogs (sadly becoming much rarer) which eat slugs and I've got 3 resident slow-worms* in my compost heap, which i hope are going out slug eating to help me out.  Need to acquire more Tomatoes, nothing beats the taste of home grown toms..mmmmm  

*will try and get some photos.   

4 years ago
233 posts
I love eggplant! I have a great recipe if you want to try it someday!

The squirrels are doing a number.... lol no helpful ones but ladybugs every so often.

Yes share photos!
4 years ago
233 posts
Dready update!

They’re getting very light, swimming everyday does that! It’s so hot my hair dries so fast getting it wet everyday is a non issue. Woot woot. And it’s a salt water pool.

Maybe I can post a picture later
updated by @peaceful-passer: 06/28/20 05:52:14PM
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