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My locks so far

Ascaso Gonzales
6 years ago
5 posts

Having an afro hairstyle meant alot of dedication and maintanance if you wanted to have it fresh and clean. Not combing my afro for 1 or 2 days one could already observe slight sections of hair occuring and eventually forming into dreads. So at a certain point I was to bothered by the high maintance my afro needed. So 10 months ago I started to leave my hair alone and give nature the control over the locking. This is the result. I Must Confess that there where times that I havent washed them for 4-6 Weeks because I was Busy with a heavy traumatic experience Last year and I am very glad that I have survived and came out strong as a supersaiyan. However in my case it did not leave behind my hair greasy and extremly dirty. I explain my thin dreads due to my natural pretty thin and delicate hairstrands although my hair is pretty dense. I notice my dreads conjoining into thicker congos and can imagine them congoing up into really fast locs some day( but I really dont know). Greetings, love and respect from Germany.

image.jpg  •  44KB

updated by @ascaso-gonzales: 03/26/18 01:27:29PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

welcome and those are some cool dreads

glad ya survived your ordeal. some of the worlds most impressive dreads grew out of the roughest circumstances

your not likely to get greasy but i am sure (having done it myself) they were dirty

they dont seem too dirty without the grease or any scalp issues

but definitely is better to wash more (when you can)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Ascaso Gonzales
6 years ago
5 posts

I orderd dreadhead hq dreadshampoo. What is your experience on that? ( I am sorry if that topic already has occured in this site)

And would you guys recommend to sleep with a satin headwrap/turban for protecting the dreads at night. Honestly until know I didn't give a damn about protecting my dreads at night. I just read recently that not protecting your dreads at night is destructive for them. Is that true? I could not notice any damage yet due to friction on wool sheets. But I am still wondering if this might happen one day if I don't protect at night. What's your opinion ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you in advance and much love

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

dreadheadhq promotes wax and the worse methods and products available so should be boycotted (cancel the order if you can)

i have never worn anything on my dreads and they are now 9-10 feet long

in your sleep they dread the most

though you might get lint from blankets and pillows

thats the only reason to consider covering them is by far the best  if your african decent use the bars from day 1 otherwise use the liquid till mature then bars

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 03/18/18 02:08:08PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

there is a dreadheadhq review page on here that goes into details on the harm many have suffered from that company

it comes up 1st on google

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Ascaso Gonzales
6 years ago
5 posts

I am just wondering because the bars are made out of saponified oils and does that not actually leave behind residues ( this is what I read in other discussions)?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

oils that are 'superfatted" which means not completely saponified can in hard water

but these are beer based not water and are formulated specificly for hard water to prevent that issue

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Ascaso Gonzales
6 years ago
5 posts

Alright! I am very glad for your effort of creating this beautiful site.

Thank you so much for the information my brother! 

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

it was sooooo needed

primarily because of sites like dreadheadhq

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Ascaso Gonzales
6 years ago
5 posts

True! It is a pity that people have to first make unpleasant experiences with crappy products and harmfull maintanance techniques before beeing proper informed. 

So shall everybody whos intention is to have beautiful and healthy locks stumble upon your site.

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