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neglect timeline :)

12 years ago
12 posts

Hello fellow humans :)

it's been nearly one year since i've stopped brushing my hair, so i thought a timeline with pictures might be a nice idea. the thing is, i didn't take photographs regularly, so there are some huge gaps in between sometimes.

but alright. here we go:

1st month, a mess, nowhere near dreads :P

6 months (sorry for the huge gap), lots of weird things happening, first dreads have formed :D

7 months, new haircolour, lots of progress :)

10 months, not much progress

nearly 1 year. still not much progress, but i do not intend to give up, looking forward to another year full of messy dreadiness :)

lots of love :D

updated by @angelika: 02/14/15 04:37:04AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

actualy thats alotta progresss

they are reaklly getting there :)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Jakob Skogh
12 years ago
13 posts

The fat dread on the left side is sooo cool!

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

There is so much progress. Just because there are still loose hairs, doesn't mean it's not coming along. There will always be loose hairs. Mine are almost 6 years old and I still have some loose hair here and there. Yours look great

12 years ago
12 posts

thanks all of you :)

by not much progress i just meant that in the last few months there hasn't been much change, i am in fact really happy with the overall messiness :D but well thank you for reassuring me.

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

As they mature, the progress slows down. When they start becoming harder and more tangled, there is less room for each hair to move around, so it takes a bit longer for other hairs to get sucked in.

They never comopletely stop changing, but at your stage, that change comes much slower than when they were babies. It happened to all of us

12 years ago
12 posts

ok, wow, good to know :)

12 years ago
182 posts

Great progress, Angelika. There's a few real fatties already!At almost a year I have loose hairs too, they pop out everywhere.

Tara C
12 years ago
644 posts

Lots of progress. Look at the first picture and then the last. Great transformation :) when you look at month-to-month pictures, it's hard to spot much progress cos it's all subtle, but progress it is. Little progress adds up.

Stephen Wondal
12 years ago
7 posts
Awesome! :)
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