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Natural dreadlocks, from day 0

4 years ago
233 posts
Thank you! Yes I’m about a year in again! I switched to Vicki’s activated charcoal and patchouli dreadlockshampoo a few months ago and really enjoy it but I think my light colors are from the acv/water (1 part acv 3 parts water) I’ve been using once a month for about 5 years! (That or it’s just my hair?? - I have two blonde children!) The rosemary feels amazing! And yes that gave my hair a red hue more than it has already! Just be sure to rinse well!

She’s making me some in white and blue too!
Gazzunger the Grey
4 years ago
91 posts


Wow!  your dreads have really formed nicely..   amazed at the length  (mine are taking their time and shrinking too). 

Good to see you back, seem to remember you talking about litter picking.... I take my dog on the beach(es) and have been picking up plastic for 

too long, mainly to help the environment and I have the intention of making some king of collage/picture from the pieces.

Will try and get my daughter to take some fresh pics to update soonish

4 years ago
76 posts

You do a great messy bun! That crochet hair tie is great, I’ll have a go at making one soon, like your tree of life charm too! 😊 I’ll definitely try experimenting with herbs and stuff, see if I can get some of the colour richness you have, it’s lovely 😊


Thank you 😊 my friend thinks my growth rate has something to do with the amount of almonds I eat (apparently far too many!) but I can’t remember how that had anything to do with hair?! I am the litter picker 😂 a collage would be awesome, taking trash and making it treasure, also could bring a bit more awareness to environmental issues if you display it somewhere. People would look away from a pile of rubbish but an art piece would make them look. When I was in Barmouth there was a stall that did beach walks and they made all sorts out of the rubbish, I brought a bowl made with discarded blue rope, I love it. They told me that every plastic toothbrush ever made still hasn’t broken down yet, so I use a bamboo one now and I use the older ones for cleaning! They found a little toy from a cereal box washed up on the beach and managed to trace it to the 60’s, still looked fine, and a jar full of the old smarties tube caps.

I’d love to see an update on your hair, how long have you been going for now?
Gazzunger the Grey
4 years ago
91 posts

@tashtash   Hmm almonds eh?  I'm not a huge fan, but will have to look into that, especially as one side is shrinking faster than tother.

Thanks for inspiration to carry on collaging, hope to get my daughters help as shes definitely more artistic than me.  I've heard there are some

"hotspot" areas where lego bricks are still washing up, that fell off a shipping container a good few years ago. 

My olde toothbrushes end up for cleaning too, it got me pondering some kind of arty think using olde toothbrushes  - any ideas anyone?

4 years ago
76 posts

Is it the side you sleep on? The side I sleep in has bigger dreads than the side I don’t, they’re all skinny! Shrinkage is good though, they’ll be so strong!

I’ll have to have a think about the toothbrush art, but you should definitely see if your local council would be up for a ‘rubbish’ art piece displayed somewhere, if it’s all from the beach you could make it sea themed!

And I’m sure you’d do a great job, I think artistry is more about the ideas and inspiration behind a piece, technical skill can be learned but ideas come from within, that’s where the magic is
Gazzunger the Grey
4 years ago
91 posts

@tashtash   think sleeping side ones are a bit thicker; also the same side gets tangled in my seat belt so guess i need 

a. a left hand drive car or  B. a chauffeur.

i find it funny  that some people have noticed and comment whereas others kind of try and stare without being noticed.

on the plastic, I need to get an assistant to help sort all the pieces, it could become an obsession.


4 years ago
76 posts
Hey guys so I did a deep clean last night with the baking soda and apple cider vinegar rinse because I’ve been working in some dirty places, and there was like a fine grit in there, where did that come from?! but it’s all out now.

I soaked some sage and rosemary in the apple cider vinegar bottle a few days before to infuse it a bit and I think it might be bringing out my ginger bits!

A rubbish assistant what about taking the project to a school? A team of kids could help you sort it and arrange it all, might inspire more litter pickers, like a whole new generation!

Here’s a pic of my fresh clean hair, the lightings a bit bright but I can see a little ginger tint coming through!
Gazzunger the Grey
4 years ago
91 posts

@tashtash   Nice idea, for rubbish assistants,  sadly wont be feasible for a while thanks to Coronavirus.  Guess if I do have to self isolate it will give me something to do..

The beaches are still open and found a whole bag-full of plastic in about 1/2 an hour today; strange how the size and type of plastic varies, guess partly due to wind direction and where the crap is coming from - lots of pieces of plastic bottles today and one of those junior lego blogs , I'm pondering somekind of multicoloured dreadlocked person as a picture. (Don't expect anything too soon- we do things Dreckly in Cornwall).

Back at the dreads....  Have you or any other readers seen a band called the "Levellers"?  kind of Folk/Punk  Saw them recently and their Bass player (Jeremy) has an awesome set of Red dreads down his back; he does a grand job of flailing his band mates with them during lively numbers.

 By the way, like your Updo, and you can have some of my ginger if you like..

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts

TashTash: Hey guys so I did a deep clean last night with the baking soda and apple cider vinegar rinse because I’ve been working in some dirty places, and there was like a fine grit in there, where did that come from?! but it’s all out now. @peaceful-passer I soaked some sage and rosemary in the apple cider vinegar bottle a few days before to infuse it a bit and I think it might be bringing out my ginger bits! @gazzunger-the-grey A rubbish assistant what about taking the project to a school? A team of kids could help you sort it and arrange it all, might inspire more litter pickers, like a whole new generation! Here’s a pic of my fresh clean hair, the lightings a bit bright but I can see a little ginger tint coming through!

DON'T DO THE BAKING SODA ACV!!!!! it will destroy your hair i know we used to swear by it then i lost 6-10 inch dread chunks EVERY SINGLE DAY several a day

it destroys your hair making it incredibly weak

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts

acv dissolves bones, hair, i think even steel..

baking soda burns off multiple layers of  skin

both are harsher chemicals way outsidethe normal ph range

 1st your frying with something very alkeline..  hair should be SLIGHTLY acidic

then your applying an acid far too strong  outside the normal range

so your causing a chemical burn to eat off dead skin cells (healythy ones too0 then an aciud to 'soften' by partial disolving your hair

don't believe me take a chicken bone  submerge it in acv 12 or 24 hours 9think its 12) take it out and tie it in a knot

 it will be so softened   you can  bend it  tie it in a knot  wrap it around your finger.. whatever..

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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