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Natural dreadlocks, from day 0

6 years ago
76 posts

My hair is washed, blow dried, and this is what I’m starting with! Excited to see what I’ll wake up with in the morning and it will be weird not brushing it! 

updated by @tashtash: 02/20/19 03:34:42PM
6 years ago
76 posts
Day 1, feels kinda nice not having to brush my hair 😊 I’ve worn it in a high ponytail for the last few weeks because I just hated how it looked down (unless I straightened it flat) but I like it today! It feels light and free! Going out with some friends for the day, and I haven’t felt the need to put makeup on, wonder if it’s connected 🤔
6 years ago
414 posts

Good luck with it.

Come back and post regular updates with pics. I think it helps you when you feel like you have steps to reach (I usualy update every 4 weeks) and then you can look back and see how much progress you have made since your last update.

Also always come back here if you feel down about it or like you're not getting anywhere. People here will be very quick to reassure you.

I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
6 years ago
76 posts
Thank you 😊 everyone here is so nice, I love it! I probably won’t post here everyday, but I want to try and take a photo every morning, then do a time lapse with them, think it’ll keep me motivated!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

thats a great idea and sure its connected  i don't know why anyone would want to wear makeup especialy when your so much more beautiful without it

same goes for hair its so much more beautiful when left to be free and natural

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
414 posts
Yeah it's not worth doing pics every day because you won't see any progress in 24 hours. If you want to do 1 picture each day I wouldn't even look at them and then after a month go through them all.

Or just only do monthly pictures. You will appreciate the progress much more that way.

I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

daily pics  in roughly the same position and pos  then made into a timelapse are an wesome idea to see the wild progress day by day as 1 frame  so a months progress per second

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
44 posts

I agree about the makeup AND the photos!

@tashtash: For sure it`s connected! I don`t like makeup, but I feel better about myself EVERY way since I started dreadlocks, and they`re slowly curing my stagefright, too!

I took hundreds of photos to start with, because I was as fascinated by the process as very new parents are with the development of a new baby. And dreads change a lot at the start; I think it`s better to take one every day and catch a change that may be gone the day after, than to miss a photo and miss the change. Later you won`t take as many, because they won`t change so quickly. But for now, I`d say do what feels right and good and indulge yourself! You can always decide later which ones to post and which ones to bin. Good luck and have fun!

6 years ago
76 posts
I’m on day 3 now, and I might have some sectioning going on at the back!

@soaring-eagle - I wore makeup yesterday because I was going to see my mam, not that she insists I wear it or anything! But I rubbed my eye while I was driving and didn’t notice I’d smudged it all! When I used to wear makeup a lot I was very conscious of it being on my face, I’d never have forgot and just rubbed my eye 😂 I like wearing it occasionally but I don’t bother for every day, I like my face and my extra time in bed of a morning!

@femalepheromones - it’s only been three days, I might get a bit forgetful in a week or so, but I’m seeing changes so I’ll keep taking the photos 😊 plus I kinda hate having my photo taken so maybe this will help me get over it 😂 I get what you’re saying though, if I start to feel like nothings happening and the photos make it worse, I’ll stop and just let it happen.

@panther - I never thought about what it might do for stage fright, I do pole dance (not for money, just for fun!) and I don’t consider myself a very danc-ey person, I’m more clumsy 😂 but I love it, maybe it’ll help with letting go and finding my own rhythm?! I hope your stage fright disappears! What do you do? Totally get the metaphor about the baby too, we’ve took in an orphaned kitten, we think he’s around the 4 week mark now but we’ve had him since before he opened his eyes! He’s changed so much in the short time we’ve been caring for him, I have tons of photos 😂

Please let me know if my hair is making progress like I feel it is!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

yup its progressing  but its only been a couple days

speaking of makeup, there was a young asian girl, just 14 who always wanted to look 'perfect" so wore makeup all the time, never taking it off, even while she slept

in just 4 years  this aged her skin over 40 years, when a dermatologist finally convinced her to remove it she looked 55!

she was just 18 when she stopped wearing makeup, but her skin  had aged horribly.

i don't understand why anyone would ever want that.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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