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Short straight blonde hair... my "locking" journey ;-)

13 years ago
76 posts

Yep, I don't leave the beads in longer than I go to my next hair washing, so no worries... someone had also said that if leaving the beads in to be sure to move them up/down so that portion of the hair can dry. But I like playing around with the look of different beads so they don't stay longer than 2 days, plus the weightlessness of having nothing in my hair feels good after awhile too.

soaring eagle said:

excelent progress for just 3 weeks

but gotta warn u that huge bead can cause mold when dreaded tighter i had 1 exactly like that and it definately didnt stay long

glad i took it out

updated by @hippyfish: 07/17/15 05:38:03PM
Steven Wind
13 years ago
62 posts
Earthiest, it appears we have the same length hair and even texture. And were both doing the bs wash with tea tree oil and bronners twice a month haha :D

Earthiest said:

Thanks SE, I thought so too, I'm really thankful how well my progress is going, especially since now I am using BS rinses every other day with sea salt and tea tree and lavender oils. I will only be doing Dr. Bronner's 1-2x per month... but the BS has helped a lot! Thanks.

soaring eagle said:

nice progress for 2 weeks with it being so straight and everything ..nice

13 years ago
76 posts

I posted on your page, but I think I had also checked out one of your pics earlier because I saw that you had similar length to mine... the only thing I'm thinking of doing is adding a bit of thyme oil to my rinse because my hair is so thin and gets oily fast.

Steven Wind said:

Earthiest, it appears we have the same length hair and even texture. And were both doing the bs wash with tea tree oil and bronners twice a month haha :D

Earthiest said:

Thanks SE, I thought so too, I'm really thankful how well my progress is going, especially since now I am using BS rinses every other day with sea salt and tea tree and lavender oils. I will only be doing Dr. Bronner's 1-2x per month... but the BS has helped a lot! Thanks.

soaring eagle said:

nice progress for 2 weeks with it being so straight and everything ..nice

13 years ago
76 posts

Well here's an update...

4 weeks (28 days)

And the peyote stitch sleeve I made...

Peace, Love, Music...

(This sleeve helped A LOT with my hair locking)

*BS rinse mixed with sea salt has helped greatly.... instead of doing only a Dr. Bronner rinse 1-2x monthly, I am mixing just a little of the soap in with the BS mixture as a "super rinse" 1-2x a month. I have also stopped using the oils in the rinse too as my hair gets very oily very quickly.... all seems to be going pretty well :)

updated by @hippyfish: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

thats a really cool sleeve :)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
1,291 posts

cool peyote sleeve!! i should make a long one, too. maybe it will help some of mystubbornsections finally knot up:)

13 years ago
76 posts

It takes a while to make but worth the effort. I should be saying thanks to you for posting your pics as they were pretty inspirational for me ;)

Heather said:

cool peyote sleeve!! i should make a long one, too. maybe it will help some of mystubbornsections finally knot up:)

13 years ago
76 posts

6 weeks

...stay tuned, more to come in another 2 weeks...

updated by @hippyfish: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
13 years ago
76 posts

8 weeks

This one in the front has been knotting up so well, probably because I always sleep on my left side?

updated by @hippyfish: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
Katie Kendall
13 years ago
43 posts

awesome progress!

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