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Greatings from teh dark side of York

13 years ago
8 posts

Hey all.

My name is James and as you may gather i'm new to this site (in fact i think this could be teh first group as such i've joined aside from facebook). anyways I live in England and travel a far bit.

My little pic to teh side here is of my locks when they were first done and so they are some what longer now.

Anyways am just here to say hello, and possable meet some new friends along the way.

Kind regards and safe travels



updated by @j-p: 02/14/15 03:52:13AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts


many ppl have said this ids the only site hey ever joined ....not even faCEBOOK

tho i doubt we'll ever get millions of ppl..haha

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Hannah Clarke
13 years ago
29 posts
Welcome :Dnice to find someone from the same-ish area!
13 years ago
8 posts

Cheers for the welcomes Soaring Eagle and Hannah. Its nice to be greated by frendly comments, thank you.

Were abouts are you from Hannah if you dont mind me asking? "same-ish area" has me intrested.

13 years ago
7 posts
Hello and welcome , I am from oop north too. :)
Hannah Clarke
13 years ago
29 posts
I'm from sunny Redcar (if you know where that is..) :P It's not so far is it, saying that I don't think I've ever been to York just through it!
13 years ago
8 posts


Yeah I know just abouts were Redcar is, its north of York somewhat isnt it? Never been though. Is it nice?

Hi Sarah, another 'northerner'! Good to hear that the north has a healthy pulse of dread lovers.

Shortly I'll be classing my self as even more of a northerner as i'll be moving to the lake district in a few months (the idea of having such a large play ground is simply to great to pass up on).


Hannah Clarke
13 years ago
29 posts

Ha not the best, it's one of those places that thrived when going abroad was to expensive and now it's just a bit run down... We've been on the tv a bit lol:( a secret millionaire came (one of those types!) Oh but attonement beach scene was filmed in redcar which is quite cool :D

The lakes sound beautiful! Yeah nice to meet some fellow northerners

13 years ago
7 posts
Oh lucky you , I love the lakes :) I am in Bradford, hoping to move to Norway in the next couple of years :)

James Lang said:


Yeah I know just abouts were Redcar is, its north of York somewhat isnt it? Never been though. Is it nice?

Hi Sarah, another 'northerner'! Good to hear that the north has a healthy pulse of dread lovers.

Shortly I'll be classing my self as even more of a northerner as i'll be moving to the lake district in a few months (the idea of having such a large play ground is simply to great to pass up on).


13 years ago
8 posts


Hannah am sure Redcar has its good points (I hope, lol), and if the beach scene was filmed there, well you have a beach, what more could you ask for?

And Sarah, yeah I know Bradford (for all the wrong reasons am afraid ;) ). Yeah teh lakes are sooo nice, really good for the soul. As to Norway, bit differant to Bradford I'd guess, what brings one the move you mind me asking? I'd love to get out there at some stage, I study forestry management and of course teh forests out there would be fantastic to go work in/on.


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