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Dreadlocks Forums

Hello, My introduction

Jesse Parker
13 years ago
57 posts

Hey y'all, my names is Jesse. =) I just thought I'd make a quick post here and let my exsistence be know instead of just lurking the threads like I have been doing lol.

Well, I havn't started dreading yet. I am still deciding how to go about it...I want to go natural but with my job and everything, I think I have decided that TnR is the better route to go. Mainly becuase it seems with TnR your hair doesn't look quite as crazy at and bizzare at naturals do when they are getting started. I have medium length...I guess 5 inches or so maybe more idk really of hair and its quite curly. If I am to go with TnR method...How excatly should I go about sectioning my hair? If this need to be asked somewere else that it no problem. =) I just figured I am rambling so why not ask.

updated by @jesse-parker: 01/13/15 09:02:31PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

stop combing 2 weeks let the hair section itself

but u want no bigger then 1 inch

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Jesse Parker
13 years ago
57 posts

Gotcha, I already havn't been combing for a couple days and with as curly as my hair is and as much as I move when i sleep, it is already knoting up some =)

I just got to break the habit of running my fingers through my hair to break the knots becuase I have done that for years.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts
ah so if yours will dread so easy naturally just keep goin natural

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Jonas Weber
13 years ago
10 posts
yeah man go natural believe me. You'll be so happy with it after it. I went to a salon, got mine back combed but combed them all out and went natural. I have very curly hair too and you'll have dreads in no time believe me. Just go with the flow :) I'd recommend a beani maybe or some headband if you have to work. Just watch out that you tie your hair the way it dreaded, meaning tie the sections that started seperating the way the seperated. Don't just pull the headband over your hair. Have fun peace
13 years ago
14 posts
totally go natural of you can! it's really not as bad as you would think as far as looks.. with hats, bandannas and pulling it back hopefully there's a way for you to work around it. i sectioned my hair off as well to start and quickly realized it wasn't happy. I let it go and it re-sectioned itself and it's much better! You'll probably have great results doing it naturally with curly hair :) ...and hi!!
Jesse Parker
13 years ago
57 posts

Well you all have inspired me I think I am going to try natural. I just need to either get some shampoo or some baking soda to wash my hair. I mean at work I working as a dishwasher/cook so im in back and I have to wear a hat or visor.

Haha me and my fiancee were arguing with me getting dreads I finally just explained to her. That it is something that I need to do for myself. I couldnt when I lived with my parents and I finally can and I need to. I really dont know how to explain it.

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