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Agian, please dont run your fingers thru my hair!

oostan heimach
13 years ago
38 posts
Ive explained it to her that i am not ruining my hair by trying to make it look like some ego drivin image i am washing it in the cheapest way and lettin it be.She thinks it will look desgusting once its locked up or mabe she just hates the frizz idk but heres the thing,I used to annoy her in the same way, and before i started locking my hair i would ask her not to stop finger combing it cuz i liked how it felt but its gotten to be a bad habbit of mine (finger combing) so ive decided to turn a new leaf over and let it lock and embrase and learn from the experience and uniqe people i encounter throughout my journey.I just dont know how to best settle the issue and keep posative that she will soon understand and embrace my journey/decision as well so i can stop fretting how she is spiteful and misunderstanding of my outlook and reason on the subject.Any advise for either me or her from anyone?
updated by @oostan-heimach: 01/13/15 09:01:08PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

ask her why she keeps doing it what makes her think they will look bad

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
oostan heimach
13 years ago
38 posts
I know i know, the thing is that im not about the look so much as it would seem its more the experience that draws me

soaringeagle said:

ask her why she keeps doing it what makes her think they will look bad

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

yea i know try to get her to understand that

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
32 posts

Its your journey, you have your reasons for doing it and you can not make anyone accept your decision to do so. There are people that understand, there are people that will never understand and there are those that through learning and experiences learn to accept your reasons for what they are, respect why you are doing whatever it is you are doing. I have encountered many people so far in my ten months that fit in every realm from understanding to disgust to genuine interest. I love telling people about how it really is and educating them on many of the myths that go along with dreads. Bottom line, this is your experience, you decide on who you want around, positive or negative. There are ups and downs experience, learn, take it all and move forward. Happy Journey!!!

And I really should update my pic, it was a few months ago : )

oostan heimach
13 years ago
38 posts

austin i didnt realize this was so important to you because in a way, you've pushed me out... out of your.... journey of individualism.... i want to be a part of this journey with you....

in a way you took me off guard
but i'm here for you because i love you.

can i join you on your path? i won't harm what you're doing...... but... is it okay if i rid you of frizz in the morning? will you not get mad at me? lol.

i understand now....more than i did before......
...but please remember i express my love to you thru touch.....and im never trying to disturb you or your locks......but after expressing my affection in that way for over a year n a half..... this new journey is going to take an adjustment period.....for both of us.......
regardless.....i love YOU and am here for you forever.....

oostan heimach
13 years ago
38 posts
wow.. hidden message, just brightened up my day, and i have an amazing girlfriend that i would never trade for anything!!!!!! i love her eternally
oostan heimach
13 years ago
38 posts
and yes of course you can join me on my path. cuz we are already joined no matter what!!!
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