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Dreadlocks Forums

Greetings of Peace

Blue Swallow
10 years ago
9 posts

Greetings of peace to all you lovely people,

I joined this site years ago, but didn't have easy access to a computer at the time so didn't get to join in on the conversations. But now I do, so wanted to say "hello!" and offer many thanks to Soaring Eagle and all of you here. This site taught me all I know about dreadlocks and has helped me immensely on my journey. I started my dreadlocks four years ago when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I loved the idea that they would grow along with her and true to life, they are as wild and free as she is. I went the natural/neglect route and so glad I did. They have taught me so much about letting go and trusting in the natural order of things. Here they are today:

I'm really looking forward to finally being able to interact with this beautiful community.

In Peace, Erica (Blue Swallow)

updated by @blue-swallow: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

blue your so pretty and look so much like someone i know

i knew a woman whos dad started his dreads the day she was born too

i met her when she was 46

his beard dreads grew so long they kept breaking off enough that he made a pillow for her out of his beard dreads

her dads been living in the jungles of belize while she married a marine and was living in germany

but her dad kept growing his from the day she was born and well havent heard from her in years but if hes still alive they must be a good 30 feet ..

dreads are kike infants whgen u grow them naturaly start off unformed within you then slowly take form and come out and evolve frominfants to wild teens and its like your raising a family on your head

just remember those wild teen years in fondness it will prepare you for when your daughters 13 and getting a lil loopy and crazy herself lol

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
833 posts

What a perfect time to start locks. Growing them at the same time you are growing new life in your womb. That is beautiful!

Blue Swallow
10 years ago
9 posts

What a lovely story! Thank you for that. My dreads have certainly gone through the toddler years right along with my daughter. Crazy times. During those adventuresome teen years I will certainly remember your advice!

soaring eagle said:

blue your so pretty and look so much like someone i know

i knew a woman whos dad started his dreads the day she was born too

i met her when she was 46

his beard dreads grew so long they kept breaking off enough that he made a pillow for her out of his beard dreads

her dads been living in the jungles of belize while she married a marine and was living in germany

but her dad kept growing his from the day she was born and well havent heard from her in years but if hes still alive they must be a good 30 feet ..

dreads are kike infants whgen u grow them naturaly start off unformed within you then slowly take form and come out and evolve frominfants to wild teens and its like your raising a family on your head

just remember those wild teen years in fondness it will prepare you for when your daughters 13 and getting a lil loopy and crazy herself lol

10 years ago
14 posts
Absolutely gorgeous dreads,as are you!Do you have any photos from throughout the journey?
Blue Swallow
10 years ago
9 posts

Thank you Shannon. Unfortunately, I didn't take progression photos, wish I had. My first two years I was either pregnant/sick or sleep deprived, haha. Didn't feel much like documenting the misery ;)

Shannon said:

Absolutely gorgeous dreads,as are you!

Do you have any photos from throughout the journey?
10 years ago
14 posts
Well I can completely empathise with that! ;)
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