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Dreadlocks Forums

hellloooooo :) (does this even belong here?)

Allison Ruthless
11 years ago
19 posts

Am I a d-bag noob posting in the wrong forum or what?

Well. Anyhow.

I just signed up here, cuz well, I'm lame and need more people to talk to. Soooo hello!! My headnoodles just passed their fourth birthday last month and are more awesome than I ever thought possible (being on my third round of dreads and having had some reeeeally terrible sets in the past). Childbearing (I mean, prenatal vitamins) does wonders for the hairs!! My head has been called a mini thrift shop, full of the randomest little treasures made of all types of metals, wood, glass, stone, string, and aything else interesting or sentimental that I can find a way to stick in my head. New things are added more or less weekly!! Natural has proven to be the way for me, but I'm still working out some minor is (no pun intended lol) so I thought perhaps this is the place to be.

I could ramble forever but let's not do that hmm. Just a little intro. :)

Say hi to meeeee!!!!

updated by @allison-ruthless: 02/14/15 01:18:57PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

helloooo yep you did good u posted in the right place

so let me guess

the last sets that didnt work out were waxy?

nice to meet ya although i kinda feel like we met before?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Allison Ruthless
11 years ago
19 posts

You sent me a chat thingy but mt tablet is stupid and doesn't want me to chat lol :/ I don't believe we've met, though aren't we all aquainted in a way... :)

Yes. Waxy indeed. Waxy and worked on by my silly ex, who believed that daily furious backcombing was the ultimate way to great dreads... which was all gravy until all my dreads fell apart and I had an inch of hair left. The first set he would wax so much that I had to sleep with them covered and they got all linty and gross. And the second set I did on my own, semi waxy, but ostly just a hurried, impatient mess. The trial and error was helpful though, four years into this set I finally have what I always wanted, no wax and no combs required.

My only issue ow is the compulsive twisting that I just can't stop no matter what I do, I'm so bad with it that I get weak spots and if I don't sew them up they break off. I know it's horrible but I just can't stop, can't keep my hands out of my hair, and the worst part is I'm always doing it to the weak spots, telling myself it helps but knowing it's the culprit of the issue. I'm kinda crazy, compulsive for sure, maybe I need to find something else to do with my hands but I just can't stop touching themmmm. And touching leads to twisting. And twisting leads to breaking. Almost all of my original locs are gone!!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

oh my

well its good your ex is an ex then

but yea keep your hands busy

since twistings your thing maybe do wire wraps on crystals?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
95 posts

Hi!! you seem like someone I would get along with wonderfully :D your dreads also sound marvelous!

Allison Ruthless
11 years ago
19 posts

I actually do wire wraps, I have a wrapped crystal in my head and a bunch of locs that have wraps with beads and stuff all i them :) unfortunately I just lost basically everything I own due to crappy people so. No more crystals in my life. I had a pretty wonderful collection too :/

I really do need any sort of suggestions on things to do to keep me from twisting though, it's kind of a serious problem...

soaring eagle said:

oh my

well its good your ex is an ex then

but yea keep your hands busy

since twistings your thing maybe do wire wraps on crystals?

Allison Ruthless
11 years ago
19 posts

Hello!! Add me!! :)

Sunflower said:

Hi!! you seem like someone I would get along with wonderfully :D your dreads also sound marvelous!

Allison Ruthless
11 years ago
19 posts

I reeeeally want to upload some pictures of my thrift shop, erm, I mean dreads now!! I wanna show off!! It's great to be around a bunch of people who love headnoodles as much as me, i'd love to get some feedback.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

pleasse do upload pics

i did wire wraps too (unique stuff never seen any like mine) and had 4 years worth of work and collecvted stones stolen too

it sux

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
16 posts
i have to try some things to keep my hands busy too, as i have a bad habit of picking the skin near the side of my thumb nails (nasty i know). I've picked at my thumbs for so long i have desensitized the area and don't even feel myself doing it most of the time. One thing you could try is to keep something on your wrist like an elastic band or something and play with that when you find yourself twisting. Alternatively you could turn a ring over so the gem is facing the palm of your hand and play with that? Oh and HHIII!
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