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Six year old dreads thinning, please help

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Loose hair will find their way, they will find a family to join onto. Forming dreads can have 3-4 inches of undreaded roots. Mature dreads have about a 1" loose root. They naturally stay loose, this reduces stress on the scalp, dreads need to move and do move, if the scalp root system is tight, then it would pull on the hairs, pulling them out by the root system.

Where you lay loose root wise because of the backcombing I am not sure, but you do want them loose.

I hope that you loose no more! Peace

updated by @the-barrellady: 07/10/15 04:19:10AM
Korey Danley
11 years ago
14 posts

thank ya!

11 years ago
300 posts

you dont back comb but once!! its thinning from damage! you arent supposed to 'maintain' them, they form themselves. if you leave them alone and start using some jojoba oil to help breakage and take some biotin to make it grow.

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

You dreads do look beautiful, and with care and time, you can save them. :)

11 years ago
300 posts

some people have long roots. i dont really. there knotting up to the scalp and i have fine hair. so it really depends. loose hairs make new dreads in between your other dreads or finds its way intoone. fairly quickly all just works itself out quite nicely.

Korey Danley said:s

SE, any info on what I can expect when my roots start growing in, how much loose root before it starts dreading...with all the backcombing I've been so concerned about having tight roots....just curious as to how long the root will get before it dreads....and all the loose hairs? they'll just find their way in eventually? This is going to be SO much different from the past six years, but looking forward to new part of the journey!

Korey Danley
11 years ago
14 posts

Thanks barrellady, I appreciate that. I've had them for six years, from ages 18-24. They've been my pride and joy and I've always gotten compliments on them. I thought I was doing the best care taking I could for my beloved dreads when all a long I was destroying them. It's sad to me really... They are such a part of me; they're my best friends. Thanks for all the help, feeling good about my dreads' futures :)

OliviaJonas Aley
11 years ago
30 posts

Korey, thank goodness you found this site...please don't give up on it (or your beautiful dreads of course)! I can see where you might be concerned with how your new recovery growth will join your other locks, but you must stop the root rubbing and maintenence for them to get healthy again. This you know at this point :)

They will likely look very different from what you want them to look, but maybe it will be a fun adventure while you are waiting for the growth to catch up. Learn to embrace it is only temporary until you are back to health!

11 years ago
30 posts
If you have been on the pill for a year and a half and didn't notice any bodychanges in the first months of taking it you shouldn't worry. If your body didn't agree with the pill I'm sure it would have let you know right away. I have been through different kinds and the changes it did to me were always noticeable in the first couple months. i agree with se that it is probably just the back combing. If the pill is working for you id keep using it. It's hard for your body to adapt if you keep switching them
Korey Danley
11 years ago
14 posts

okie dokie

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