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Fight with traction alopecia. I need a help.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

panterra had trouble logging in to her old account  so i fixed it you'll hear from her directly soon

this was her reply so please answer these questions

Okay, Mr. Super Patient Guy (Wezyr666)!!! Haha I am here to help. I need you to tell me what you are washing your hair with and how often? I need to know what your diet is like and do you have any itching, dryness or dandruff as well as the hair loss? I am going to do do my best. I think this situation may be saved. So, try not to worry

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
17 posts

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

 I need you to tell me what you are washing your hair with and how often?

So, maybe i start answering on these questions from my first dreads steps.

My all dreads are  made by crochet, in my coutry is the most popular dread method. I attend to the " dread maker "every three, four even two months. After crocheting i feel pain on my scalp for next two days.

And now: I was washing my scalp very rarely ( this was dread maker advice )in practic it was even two times per half year . Now i know that was ugly, nasty etc but then i think that it is normal ( i did not have any person with necessary konwledge about dreads ) I wash my dreads with normal natural schampoo, sometimes anti dandruff schampoo. I brake this chain no scalp washing 5 months ago. Before i thought that this bald spot (i start seen it maybe 2 years ago.) is normal and they are connected with dreads having. About 3 months ago i bought my first dread schampoo, it was and still is Mango and Lime Tingle schampoo ( i read few articles about this schampoo and many people think that it is shit product but in my coutry is problem with  dreads cosmetics, and i do not know which really good are, so i was happy with this Mango and Lime. I wasch hair 2-3 times per week.

Now i am redy to buy some schampoo and others products which you will recommend me( i use to buy dog suplements from your country,so i can also buy schampoo) it was great if this schampoo will be from schop with international schipping.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

I need to know what your diet is like

I do not have any special diet, i am not a vege or something. I am trying to not eat frying meals.( but i like it ) Eat some fruits and vegetables, but the bigest my food problem is irregular meal time, due to my irregular work break. I am ready to change it, cause health is for me on the first place. I also like some beers drink.  Every day i walk in the forest with my dog about 6 kilometers, and another one 6-7 kilometers in my work . At the weekend i double this distance .

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

and do you have any itching, dryness or dandruff as well as the hair loss ?

I have some itching when i was washing scalp few time per year lol, now when i have itching, but rather i have not, i normally wash a scalp. 

Since i remeber, even when i was have had 3mm long hair i had some litlle problem with dandruff, but only in 2-3 smal points in back on my head.

I think that i have not dryness and the hair loss problem. i have for years the same hair line excluding this fuckin traction alopecia.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

ok heres what i want you to do

2 things 1 on this so called dread maker website write a review about how horrible their advice was and the  severe damage it caused and do the same here in the salon/locticians recovery section make sure you use the dreadmakers name and business name in the title

in fact, write a 2nd version of it in polish. having 1 in your language will help a lot!

the mango lime stuff has plastics and petroleum products in it..its nasty stuff is what we recommend (its flat rate shipping you can get 6 bars for same shipping cost) that will last you a year probably

wash every 2-4 days ..4 at most.  and keep massaging the scalp daily

its a shame they do make you think the balding is normal..part of having dreads. in fact they make you think thats the preferred look. 

panterra will follow up on this often for now take the biotin, and start the scalp massages

since its so popular in Poland you should also start talking to people with crochet dreads telling them the truth

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

and if you felt pain why would you keep going back?

they never even mention you can get dreads naturally do they? 

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
17 posts
☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

ok heres what i want you to do

2 things 1 on this so called dread maker website write a review about how horrible their advice was and the  severe damage it caused and do the same here in the salon/locticians recovery section make sure you use the dreadmakers name and business name in the title

in fact, write a 2nd version of it in polish. having 1 in your language will help a lot!

Idea is good, but we have small problem: this guy, and not only he, have not any website, salon or something. In my country most off dread makers don't have salon cause if you want have salon you must pay a rent, so they prefer doing dreads in your house or they house. They dont have any companies cause legal registered company means bills payment. In big city maybe you find some legal dreadmakers with salon but as i said most of them prefer be in black zone. If you want to have dreads you are asking friends and it is like that: brother of Nick know someone who know someone who know that Jack the dreadmaker. I meet this guy when i was study in bigger town, he show me some photo with dreadded people it was fine. Last time a saw him 6-7 month ago. Now he is probably in UK. A think that is dead end

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

the mango lime stuff has plastics and petroleum products in it..its nasty stuff

Today i stop use this mango, and i wash hair with all natural normal herbal schampoo.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:p
wash every 2-4 days ..4 at most.  and keep massaging the scalp daily

OK i will do this.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

its a shame they do make you think the balding is normal..part of having dreads. in fact they make you think thats the preferred look. 

Yes it is huge schame and fuckin not fair, but now is past for me.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

panterra will follow up on this often for now take the biotin, and start the scalp massages

OK i do scalp massage and tomorrow i will buy biotin. Thanks for Panterra and i patient wait for her next ad advice

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

since its so popular in Poland you should also start talking to people with crochet dreads telling them the truth

Dreads are not popular here like in the US, maybe there are more in big cities. Now i do not have another dread people. I am living in small village among forests 6-7 thousands of people. Most 55 years old and i am the one with dreads lol but when i will have occasion i tell the truth.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

you can tell the truth here, in your language

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
17 posts
So in my łanguage :
Robienie dredów szydełkiem, a zwłaszcza częste ich dokręcanie może prowadzić do choroby zwanej łysieniem trakcyjnym, w przerwach między dredami pojawiają się wtedy coraz to większe łyse miejsca odsłaniające skórę głowy. Im szybciej przestaniecie dokręcania w ten sposób, tym większą jest szansa na odwrócenie procesu.

Dredy można zrobić w naturalny sposób po przez mycie głowy kilka razy w tygodniu specjalnym szamponem do dredów.

OK it is some piece of informacion about risc conected witch crocheting, and this kind of alopecia, what are you should to do, when you see it on your head and probably the most important - dreads we can do in natural way.
6 years ago
17 posts
☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

and if you felt pain why would you keep going back?

From the same reason as i wrote above. Then for me it was a standard if i want to have dreads.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

they never even mention you can get dreads naturally do they? 

Then i now that some prehistoric cavemans have something similar to dreads on they heads, i even saw some free form dreads on photo, but it is totally not popular hear, people prefer doing dreads very quick with silky smoth look and bald spots. Now i am know that is fucked up but is truth.
6 years ago
17 posts
And one more : now i am wearing dreads like this when i need to not having it on face. It is good?

And can you tell me how it really is with washing dreads and go to sleep.
6 years ago
414 posts
Looks good. The fact that they are just hanging in place rather than being pulled back will definitely slow down the traction alopecia. If you had tied them u0 like that from the start I'm sure it wouldn't have got as severe as it has.

As for washing. I do every 2 or 3 days which ends up being 3 times a week. I haven't washed with shampoo for a few weeks now I just rinse with water in the shower. The main thing is making sure they have time to dry before you go to bed.

When I turn off the shower I tip my head forward and make sure all my hair hands down in front of me and then shake my head from side to side to "spin" the water out and along to the tips. Then I get out the shower and lay a towel over my head and gently press it against my hair for about 10 seconds just to get rid of the surface water (I don't move the towel at all just hold it in place) then leave it damp to dry of its own accord. I usually shower at about 6pm which is plenty of time to dry before I go to bed. If I'm busy and have to shower any later I will tie my hair up in the shower to keep it dry.

Just make sure you don't tie it up while it's wet. Leave it down to dry by itself and then keep it down when you go to bed. Your sreads will feel great when you wake up after having the freedom to move around in the night.

I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
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