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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

Too much sebum/ scalp grease.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

soooo.. thank you!

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

well thank you for your contribution to the community :)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
3 posts

My hair used to be massively oily, as in I'd wash it in the morning, every morning, and it'd be lank and greasy by the afternoon, a couple of inches down. I just bit the bullet and stopped the shampoo (didn't have dreads tho). Went with water only washing. Detachable showerhead helped. I would make it as hot as I could stand, get my fingers in there, and scritch (I can't explain it properly, if you google water only washing scritch and preen it will describe it well). You couldn't preen with dreads (preen the oil down the hair shaft) but could def scritch. I'd do this for five mins sometimes. It sucked for the first...well, two months were bloody awful. It got good after six. Then it goes up and down with hormones, diet etc but I was fine water only. But that's how I cut down the grease, coz my scalp realised I wasn't going to keep dehydrating it and trying to overcompensate. And now I wash once  a week and it's just fine. So I don't know - stop and scritch, or cut down drastically and use water only and scritching between times? Your scalp will eventually stop freaking out, all of a sudden. 

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

you should know vicki made a special shampoo for you  so far testings working great

contact her about her new oily greasy scalp bar

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
12 posts

I would just see that message with my shitty luck. I actually just ordered a bar of dragon's blood last week which did me no good. I'm greasier than ever. I can't even go an hour without thick grease seeping out of my pores on my scalp, face, neck and chest. I've been to the doctor and it was a big jerk off like I figured it would be. They don't give a shit.

Anyway, I'm too broke to buy more shampoo. I ordered the dragon's blood because I had good luck with the little sample bottle of dragon's blood liquid. I used that and went 6 days without the grease. That's out now I so I ordered the bar because it's cheaper and I like bars better but didn't know the ingredients were different for the bars until after it got here. The bar version doesn't do anything for me and it's back to grease. My last hope is dermatologist appointment I have coming up which I assume will be a jerk off just like seeing my doctor. After that, if nothing changes, fuck dreadlocks. I'm done and they're getting cut off. They've been nothing but hell for me. 

6 years ago
12 posts

Also, to thedread, washing with just water isn't an option for me. This grease is insanely thick. It's like crisco seeping out of my pores. Sometimes, when it's really bad even shampoo will not get it out I've tried washing with just water and it does absolutely nothing but run the grease through my dreads which is destroying them.

Also, I said in an earlier post that your guy's and knotty boy's shampoos wouldn't wash out for me. I've since realized that it's not the shampoo, it's the grease. The grease is building up deep in my dreads and it holds water and shampoo in them. I've noticed that on washes where I manage to actually get the grease out of the dreads the shampoo washes out better and they completely dry up in about 4-5hrs. When the grease is really heavy is when the shampoo stays in them and they take 9+hrs to dry. Thought I'd clarify that.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

since its an in testing prototype (and i already showed her your post which is why she created it) write er ask her if you can try a sample test it on your severe case dreads.

(and write a revew iif it works)

the liquid does have detergents and sea salt that dry out the scalp nd hair

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
12 posts

Alright, how do I get in touch with her?

For some reason the last three times Ive tried to respond here there wasn't a text box for a response.

6 years ago
1 posts
Sucks to hear you’ve had such a hard time :( reading your comments made me feel like just taking care of you! Dreads are supposed to be really fun. Anyways I wish you luck you can always start later again once you’ve figure out the problem
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts


Alright, how do I get in touch with her?

For some reason the last three times Ive tried to respond here there wasn't a text box for a response.

contact page on the site or if that dont work try admin@

yea was figuring out some server issues

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