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Dreadlocks Forums

Do these look normal?

7 years ago
3 posts
I just recently started these about three weeks ago using backcombing. I would have used a different method if I would have done more research beforehand. I almost even fell for the wax but luckily found this site before actually putting it in my hair. My question is do they look like they should after three weeks? They have come pretty loose. I understand looseness is normal but how loose is too loose? Pardon the fuzz they are extremely messy because I just washed them.
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☮ soaring eagle ॐ
7 years ago
29,641 posts

thy look really good for 3 weeks and so glad ya didn't fall for the wax!!!

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
7 years ago
42 posts

They do look great. Best advice I ever found was to quit worrying about them and let them do their thing.

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