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ADVICE for 3 week old dreads..

11 years ago
18 posts

So.. I decided to go the natural route with my dreads. I'm actually surprised how fast there locking. My dreads are 3 weeks old now. My only concern right now is a spot where 3 separate dreads have gobbled each other up in the very center of each of 3 original dreads. I don't wanna cut it or rip anything that's not absolutely necessary. I don't wanna wait to long and have an even bigger blah spot haha. I'm having issues with leaving my hair down all the time. It's pretty long.. I can't help but instinctively wanna wrap it up or clip it & I think that's the biggest reason it's matted the way it is now. I'll post pictures if someone is willing to help me out haha i'll show you the tornado!! ADVICE IS APPRECIATED!!


updated by @quillen2: 01/13/15 10:00:53PM
Casey Fay
11 years ago
90 posts

Post pics, You will be amazed how much knowledge kynd folks will share! Welcome to the family!

11 years ago
18 posts

Thank you so much!!! I'm gonna post some on my page now, should I reply with some? tehehe i'm very new at this ;)

11 years ago
4 posts
I am 3 weeks in to my dreads too! I am having the same problem. Keeping my hair down is tough. It looks crazy!I have long hair too. I feel like my dreads are forming into 1 big dread. I don't know how often I should seperate them?
11 years ago
18 posts

Hahaha I understand!! Mine's not all one dread, it's just two spots have bigger dreads that have naturally split apart into 3 separate locks. I'm so shocked at how far my hair's already come in just 3 weeks.. I wanted to try to break them apart but i'm not sure tehehe.. that's what going natural's all about.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

the faster it dreads the more u will need to separate in feneral so separate now orthey will form bigger and bigger dreads

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
18 posts

Thank you so much for all the advice!! I'll post pictures tonight after I attempt the beginning of the "separating" process haha.. ya'll wish me luck.. Thanks you guys!!


11 years ago
19 posts

separate, separate, separate.....

11 years ago
58 posts

Ours went really fast so we had to pull apart everyday. his got a beavertail in like a week, so we had to end up cutting it because we didnt start ripping early enough. Definitely separate early.

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