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Election poll....

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Don't forget that Romney think s everyone should just ask their parents for money for college.

updated by @baba-fats: 07/23/15 03:41:31PM
12 years ago
80 posts

I knew I liked the people on this site! I've spent a year surround by hardcore republicans (including my poor deceived family), and I'm so wanting to be around people who don't like Romney! Here in Boca Raton there are "Romney Ryan" signs EVERYWHERE! But they're all rich, so of course they're going to vote for him. My husband and I feel like outcasts here for not being republicans. I don't know that I'm a Democrat, but I am certainly NOT a republican the way they are today. What sickens me is that I used to be one because I "didn't care" about politics and voted the way my family and friends did. I blamed Obama for everything and believed he was a communist, socialist, Muslim terrorist like everyone in Alabama was saying. Then I met my husband who actually stays informed in the world (thank God, because I suck at it), and I learned about sooo many evil schemes the republicans are up to. I hate that they cater to the rich and then poor people who think they agree because republicans pretend to care about conservative issues to steal the religious vote.

My husband and I have decided that we'll be moving overseas... anywhere... if Romney gets elected. After his speech about the 47% (which happened here in Boca where we're working... so not surprised), if this country chooses that butthole as president we're outta here!

12 years ago
518 posts
I'll probably write someone in. Could be Jello Biafra, could be Marvin the'll depend on my mood really. Romney is a douche.
Star Gryphon
12 years ago
190 posts

I noticed that part of my little rant was clunky...

We want to vote people in that will best represent how you would vote and see things.

Someone who shares a core belief value with you. Belief doesn't have to be religious here!

Really...those are the best choices...because they will move causes they believe strongly in in front of others.

Whatever it's called when they get all the proper law stuff down with before it gets sent to the next level.

Romney scares me too...a republican "friend" tried telling me that he only said the comment about the 47 % was just him doing ihis job at the time...

That he was trying to get campaign money. But...he didn't actually "mean" the comment.

Well...if it came straight from the jack asses mouth...

So..yeah...cutting governmental assistance programs so that they can cut a REALLY dumb idea...

This will create just ANOTHER group of people to be affected by all this economic stuff...

Just in this last month a friend of mine who lives on an SSI fixed income in another state got her was 100 dollars less than it normally is...

When you are on FIXED income...100 bucks is a ton of money...or...just a ton of money PERIOD!

Turns was taken because in the state she lives in...she's now paying 100 bucks a month for her medicare. Wow...I try to think how I would cut expenses by 100 bucks...many "extras" we have you sign up for with contracts. So it's not so easy to just get rid of cable, internet, or cell phone bills as expenses...

We do have people who rely on getting government assistance to survive. Many of these programs have changed by setting up a time limit on how long or how many times you can receive it. Those that advocate for and run them really do want to use them as a means to help people get a helping hand. I've called them a "step up." I know not everyone sees them the same way...they just want free money..they cheat...they lie...they steal...that can be debated and debated about...we'll always have these people.

What I'm concerned about is what the effect of cutting money out of someone's budget like they did my big is this group of people going to be...on what program...

I wonder how people are going to compensate for this?

When you have nothing to begin with...and you just take some of that nothing that you have away...

These people usually have very little...if anything in savings...

They drive cars that are older and less reliable...

Selling things only produces money from a one time transaction. That item is now gone.

Does Romney think that we can just cut one of our vacations for the year out?

Seriously...what is a vacation?

People have been so broke for long enough we have new vocabulary...a "staycation"

Which is what I plan to do with my paid time off. Most jobs don't even offer that anymore...

He's scary scary in my opinion!

Omg...I mean...he hates single moms. He blames problems in society on us.

I guess instead of getting long winded...that's the only answer I need of WHY i'm not gonna vote for that politician who I wish would have to live just...6 I do.

I'd be interesting to start a protest campaign that we tried to round people up to send post cards in...with one simple reason...why they won't vote for him...

Have you read a book called "Nickled and Dimed"? It's written by Barbara Ehrenreich.

It's a non-fiction book of research she "walk in the shoes of those people who work min wage jobs." She sets out...with a small amount of small...a suit case with some clothing and car...non of her degrees....non of the "cushions" she has to fall back on if anything ever went unexpectedly..

She uses a different identity..and tries to see what happens...
Pretty well done and written book.

Her book even inspired a documentary by the same people who did super size me....

Things got so bad that for health reasons they had to give up!

Health is one of the issues here in the cutting of funding...

An unhealthy and poor population can only hold up an oversized middle class and rich class for so long...

Sorry for the rant....

I'll get off my soap box...

Star Gryphon
12 years ago
190 posts

writing in a candidate actually does more harm...

I've definitely thought of it...

Star Gryphon
12 years ago
190 posts

well...that is unless there is a grassroots campaign...for the actual USE of the write in...

to get someone who really should have the job...but didn't get through the preliminaries..

Star Gryphon said:

writing in a candidate actually does more harm...

I've definitely thought of it...

Κύριε Ελέησόν
12 years ago
92 posts
Gov Gary Johnson looks like he's got my vote! He's got a conservative stance on fiscal issues and a progressive stance on social ones to sum him up.
Κύριε Ελέησόν
12 years ago
92 posts
Oops... * he has not *he's
12 years ago
102 posts
So this is what America has become? People complaining the car they drive is too old and that they have to *gasp* pay a small contribution to medicaid? Man, before too long you'll have the same problems Europe has if it keeps going this way, although with the Fed I suppose the USA is already waistdeep in horse manure.You can't expect others to pay for everything. Giving something for nothing causes inefficiency and a drop in quality. Public Education, Public Healthcare. As long as it's "public" it's a gigantic mess. If we had "Public Hardware" we would be paying $5600 for a Pentium II.And it's not the problem that there's single moms, it's that the single moms expect others to pay for the education, diapers and raising of their children. If 2 people decide to have a child then it is their responsibility to pay for it, not the society as a whole.And the idea that the poor support the rich is a myth. Rich people that live in America pay far more in taxes even if they completely evade income tax because of VAT, customs and Capital Gains Tax as well as indirectly the income tax of any people they employ. The more "extravagant" their lifestyle, the more taxes they pay. Poor people don't have any money and subsidized housing, public education, medicaid, medicare all cost a ton of money and rich people don't make use of this. Taxes go directly towards public services and those people working there. So how do rich people take money from the poor? I think everyone is mistaking the "rich" for politicians, the Federal Reserve, the IRS, police and jails because that's where the extra money that isn't being reinvested into public services is going. And with more public services there is more of that money being lost due to an increase in overall government leading to more goverment employees and thus more wages requiring to be paid to make sure people who don't pay their taxes are thrown in jail.It doesn't matter if you vote Obama or Romney. Nothing will change. It's just a charade to make you think you have a voice and that the country is "democratic" while it's still being run by the same politicians, just with another puppet to smile to the camera's and to parade his family around to show that he's really just a family man like the rest of you. Sure, he might throw you a bone like Medicaid, but in the end your still stuck in the ghetto's paying 50% taxes (You do realize you pay not only income tax but also VAT, Capital Gains Tax, Customs and even the interest on your mortgage that is basicly money that doesn't even exist?) because the white house needs a new paint job and they're laughing all the way to the bank because they got you pissed off at the people that did nothing but work hard for their money and provide you with jobs through investing capital.
12 years ago
80 posts

I agree with the Romney thinking everyone can have their parents pay for college comment, wherever that went to. Not everyone is born into money. Most people I know work hard just to stay alive, and sometimes really bad things just happen. Most are not lazy and looking for handouts like Romney says. Like he's ever had to work for anything. He was born into money... he says he worked his way up, but that's a LOT easier when you have rich and powerful parents who sent you to fancy schools (where he was a bully and pinned down a new kid with longer hair and cut it off... that should strike a few chords here) and get you set up in a fancy job where all you have to do is liquidate jobs and pocket the cash. He is so out of touch with the majority of Americans, and they're not even trying to hide it!

It's like Grover Norquist said: "We don't need a president to tell us in what direction to go. We know what direction to go. We want the Ryan budget . . . We just need a president to sign this stuff . . . Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States."

I know some say it doesn't matter who you pick, because they're puppets. That may be true, but make sure you pick the right puppet-master! "If you're going to get screwed by either, make sure it's the one who will take you to dinner and hold you after." (quote from my husband)

We've got to stay educated and alert. A Republican voting registrar in VA was caught today throwing out ballots today. At this point and with all the f***-ups Romney has made, if he wins it will be due to the cheating and willingness of his party to do anything dirty to get what they want.

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