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My babies are dreading at the root!

Tied up in knots
12 years ago
202 posts

Bah! I typed out a whole response and then lost it! I shall try to recreate it...

Personally, if I didn't already do it absentmindedly, I wouldn't start root rubbing. I won't be root rubbing any other dreads. I'm going to at the very least try to stop playing with the dreads I usually tend to play with but ultimately I want to get my hands out of my hair completely. I think it might be time for a tam.

I agree with heather about our different journeys. All we can do is share our experiences and opinions. None of us can make another follow our path. And what's right for you might not be right for me.

And Heather, my roots, some of them anyway, look exactly like yours. They stick out funny when I pull my hair back and they're a lot harder to tuck in sometimes than zigzags further down the dreads. Very annoying. I won't be rubbing it even though it seems to work in my hair. I feel that if I focus on it I will overdo it. When I play with it absentmindedly it's very gentle and unfocused but I know I'd get too intense if I actually thought about it. Not worth the gamble to me really.

updated by @tied-up-in-knots: 07/19/15 02:25:34AM
Circle Dancer
12 years ago
121 posts

I think I do the root rubbing thing too...not on purpose but just because I play with my hair or rub/scratch my head a lot when it itches (usually a sign I need a wash, when I start doing that). All my best dreads so far are the ones in the back from me sleeping on them at night, so I figure rubbing must not be too bad.

Blessed Earth Mama
12 years ago
72 posts

<3 <3 <3 I wasn't trying to push anyone into doing it. I just have had a really positive experience with it and find that it gives my dreads the nicest shape. So I thought I would share. <3 <3 <3 Hugs you all. :)

Tied up in knots
12 years ago
202 posts
I didn't thibk you were pushing :) it was just a general kind of statement. <3
Circle Dancer
12 years ago
121 posts

edit double post

Circle Dancer
12 years ago
121 posts

roots. they look crazy

12 years ago
2 posts

That's awesome! I was messing with mine after I dreaded my hair, but thenoneday just decided to leave them alone (except for palm rolling) and now I don't even do that so I am excited and can't wait to see what the results are after reading this!!! :D

Circle Dancer
12 years ago
121 posts

Every time I wash they dread more and more. It's amazing, happening literally right in front of my eyes. Even some of the loops and zig zags have started tucking into the locs on their own. Crazy how fast they are progressing!

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