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dreadlocks changing more than your hair

Nicholas janousek
12 years ago
49 posts

so I'm posting this out of curious but I'm wondering what has changed about yourself since you've started dreading whether they be major or minor so I guess I'll start

Since I've started dreading my self esteem has begin to rise and I dont find myself unattractive or a horrible person I'm comfortable with myself and am able to be who i truly think I am I feel as if my dreads are in extension of myself on the inside. theyve changed alot of my ideas on spirtuality and nature and living a happy simple lifestyle I've been through a lot of changes since I've started but these are the main ones in my mind but now then what about everyone else? :]

updated by @nicholas-janousek: 04/07/20 07:42:46PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

i would say..everything

who i was then who i am now aqre almost polar oposites

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

I'd say after 5 year with locks, I've stopped looking at and defining myself as that guy with dreadlocks. I now just see myself as me.

I am pretty much the same person I was before locks, but When I first started I saw them as my personal open explanation of who I was and what I stood for. Now They've just become part of me. I don't take offense to any negative comments. I don't get mad or annoyed by ignorant people.

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

I don't ever plan on cutting them off, so I can see that this will probably be an ongoing process. Once they get down to my waist, I'll probably have to start explaining myself again, and again when they get even longer, but having overcome it once already, I think I will be even stronger next time too

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

overcoming defining myself by my locks

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Not that it will get harder to overcome, but that It will pop up again that I will see myself as the guy, not only with lock, but with SUPER long ones. It only took a few months to get over being the guy with locks the first time, so it shouldn't be hard to do again. But I see it happening as they gt long. Right now they are down to about the middle of my chest. In a few years they'll be at my waist. Hopefully by then I'll grew even more as person to not have to worry, but as I am right now, I can see that it might become who I am for a while

Tara C
12 years ago
644 posts

It's given me more confidence and helped me not care about what people think. I mean, I've never truly cared what strangers think, but when you're walking around with crazy hair that you haven't brushed in months, you really do stop caring.

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Good for you. It is empowering to stop care what others think about you. They not only help with this in the physical sense, but locks can also help you stop caring about how people see your actions

Nicholas janousek
12 years ago
49 posts

this is going pretty well lets keep it going :] need MOAARRR lol

12 years ago
275 posts

So far it did not change anything on how I feel or see myself more on how I see others. For me it brought out thesuperficial side of people that I did not know they had and people who Ithoughtwhere superficial actually where much less and more open minded then Ithought.

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