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Dreadlocks Forums

Time to Cut My Dreads.

13 years ago
12 posts

YES.. SE my dreads are definitely my lifeline.. they are proof that I can be whatever and who ever I want to be and not have to bend to fit into someone else's ideal .. I like my dreads so I'll wear them and feel confident about them no matter how other people feel because I'm awesome on the inside. When you approve of yourself everything you are and do and look like follows suit...

updated by @erutxet: 07/03/15 04:37:17AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

see your already taking a step in the right direction :) group hugs

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Patty Haynes
13 years ago
39 posts

joins in on group ((hug)). You can do this have fun on your second date :)

Tara C
13 years ago
644 posts

Why don't you keep the dreads but work on losing weight, no longer smoking weed and (most importantly) working on your self-esteem? Dreadlocks don't make you feel bad about yourself. They might end up being one of the things you dislike, but if you have complete inner-confidence, then you'll feel beautiful no matter what your hairstyle is. I have low self-esteem myself, I've put on weight recently and etc., but you just have to work on your flaws, things you want to change about yourself. Changing your hairstyle won't really motivate you to lose weight or no longer be insecure or anything though. Also, I think you look fantastic with dreadlocks :) but at the end of the day, do whatever makes you happy, cos that's what life's all about. But it sounds like the issues go deeper than just having dreadlocks. Hope it all works out for you

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