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Judgement and Stigmas

10 years ago
3 posts
So lately ive really been feeling all the judgment and negative stigmas associated with my hair, people really treat me differently now that I have dreads. I also need a new job and I can tell no one wants to hire me every place I go this is really getting to me, I feel im going to have to cut my hair but I know if I do I wont be as happy as I am now.
updated by @deadheaddreadie: 01/13/15 10:05:37PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

stop feeling it its that simple itsa choice after all ill give anb example of someone on another forum who posted an "am i ugly' oost 1000 ppl replied no your fine looking you just have low selfesteem then 1 asshole posted yes your the ugliest person i ever saw .. that 1 person was the only 1 he replied to..or paid attention to

now you say you are feeling judged and you "can telk noone wants to hire yoiu" your beliefe in that will prevent that from happening

therees no reason to cut just change your asttitude

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

i may not have made that point clear what i was tryying to say is that yes a few ppl may judge but far moreadmire its your choice wether u want tio feel judged or admired but the choice u make affects how u feekl and behavewich affects how others perceive you

u go to a jobinterview all self consouse fidgitting expecting them to sayu yea rightwith hair like that/ are u kidding? then thats the responxce u will get

but if u go to the interview feeling confident knowing that youd be great at the job..and having absolutely no thoughts about your hairt in your head then they willsee you assomeone whos good at the job and nothing more

your outcone is your chjoice in how you alow others to affect not only your perception but your lifes course as well

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
6 posts

I live in Utah County, which is a completely Mormon state. I get stared at all the time and people definitely pass judgement but I have learned to not care about what other people think. Don't let it get to you. I work at a great full-time job and I wear my locs down all the time. Just believe in yourself, be confident. People will see your confidence and they won't give you shit for it. It's kind of hard at first having them and you're getting all this unwanted attention but you'll get used to it and you'll learn not to care. As long as you love them, keep them. Don't worry about other people's irrelevant opinions.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

we had a rainbow gathering as close to salt lake city as any gathgerings ever been to any city

the governor of utah came out on horseback to join the gathering

and the head of the mormon church declared the rainbowe family the "lost tribe' of thier prophesies

judgement might have beenthere but yoiu shine your light and u overcome it

Stephanie Jimenez said:

I live in Utah County, which is a completely Mormon state. I get stared at all the time and people definitely pass judgement but I have learned to not care about what other people think. Don't let it get to you. I work at a great full-time job and I wear my locs down all the time. Just believe in yourself, be confident. People will see your confidence and they won't give you shit for it. It's kind of hard at first having them and you're getting all this unwanted attention but you'll get used to it and you'll learn not to care. As long as you love them, keep them. Don't worry about other people's irrelevant opinions.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
6 posts

Wow, I really wanted to go to the rainbow gathering but my car unfortunately stopped running the day before I was planning to set out. I really wanted to go, I bet it was an amazing experience. I remember people saying that there had been a Mormon's girls camp somewhat near there and they moved it in fear of their safety. Some people were very open to it, but Utah County is vastly different than Salt Lake County. But the rainbow gathering is all about coming together; I wish I could have attended. Really though, when you come to accept yourself, the opinions of others will no longer matter.
soaring eagle said:

we had a rainbow gathering as close to salt lake city as any gathgerings ever been to any city

the governor of utah came out on horseback to join the gathering

and the head of the mormon church declared the rainbowe family the "lost tribe' of thier prophesies

judgement might have beenthere but yoiu shine your light and u overcome it

Stephanie Jimenez said:

I live in Utah County, which is a completely Mormon state. I get stared at all the time and people definitely pass judgement but I have learned to not care about what other people think. Don't let it get to you. I work at a great full-time job and I wear my locs down all the time. Just believe in yourself, be confident. People will see your confidence and they won't give you shit for it. It's kind of hard at first having them and you're getting all this unwanted attention but you'll get used to it and you'll learn not to care. As long as you love them, keep them. Don't worry about other people's irrelevant opinions.

10 years ago
833 posts

In my life I have experienced weird looks. I was a raft guide for a long time. I would pick my daughter up from school in river shorts and a bikini top. I can remember the looks I got. It was my work "uniform"I did not have time to change. I could care less what other people think of me or how I dress or what my hair looks like. There is always going to be someone that judges you. What they think is their business, not yours. They have personal issues that really have nothing to do with you. I know people judge me, I do not care. I have a job that I love with people that are important to me. I have friends and family that love me for who I am That is what is important. and besides...there is not a day that goes by that some stranger reaches out and says "your dreads are beautiful." Ignore the bad....because it would happen even if your head was shaved.

Kris Walsh
10 years ago
10 posts

I totally agree with SE here. It's the attitude that prevents a job from happening. I recently got a job making certified air craft. The day of my interview I went in with my hair down in all it's natty glory knowing I could perform the job and I got it. If someone gives me a funny look in public, just smile and go on, they're the one with a problem not you.

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