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Dread-related dreams

Laura Breitenbach
10 years ago
9 posts
So I'm only 1 month into natural dreading, but I've already had 2 dreams in which I accidentally brushed out my hair. My mom joked that this is going to be my stress dream from now on XDHas anyone else had any interesting dreadlock dreams?
updated by @laura-breitenbach: 01/13/15 10:05:15PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts


one i rem ember was trying to rescue some kids that fell into a cave and i ended up almost falling in too but dangling from my dreads, wich they climbed up to safety
been alotta others

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Laura Breitenbach
10 years ago
9 posts
Nice. That's a pretty awesome use of dreadlocks - like being a dreadlock superhero XD
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

yea my super power istyhe amnazing ability to tangle u up in knots

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
170 posts

The only dream that I can specifically recall relating to my hair is where I was cutting it.. Which is really odd, because for me that would be a biiiiig no-no lol. I think I might have also eaten meat in the dream too... I don't know what the heck was going on lol.. I think it was a dream of me pretty much going against so many things I believe in, while also breaking multiple vows I have taken in the process.. All on purpose.(of course I would never do this while awake... I hope lol) It was terrible lol.. Especially considering it felt so real.

Hahahahahaha. and this is why you do not want to invoke the wrath of SE. :D :D

soaring eagle said:

yea my super power istyhe amnazing ability to tangle u up in knots

Matt Thomas Black
10 years ago
1 posts

I recently had a dream where I brushed out my dreads. My hair was big and frizzy and I instantly regretted doing so but then had to over come the change and just live with it. I hope I don't have a dream about eating meat, being on a plant based lifestyle that would be not very appetising.

irieguy skyhigh
10 years ago
20 posts
I sumtimes have 2 bad dreams about my dreads.either sumwun cuts dem off or i catch lice n have to cut dem off........either way im the person i am cuz my hair
10 years ago
32 posts

I just had my first one last week (one month into dreads) where I cut my hair and I was kinda freaking out lol, luckily I woke up soon after.

10 years ago
14 posts
Hahaha yep I had this dream the other night where I was brushing my hair and thinking how knotty it was then suddenly remembered I was letting it dread. I was so pissed off at myself and my hair was like an Afro.
Jessica Reyes
10 years ago
24 posts
When i had used backcomb/crochet hook and wax methods in the past i had often dreamt that my hair would fall off or i would brush them out. I took it as a sign that my subconscious was ultimately NOT happy with the results. I had brushed and cut them off after trying each of these methods. I am neglect/natural now with only separating and ive not had any bad dreams with this set.
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