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Dreadlocks Forums

hair is matting will this turn to dreads

joe weaver
10 years ago
7 posts
I haven't combed my hair in about 6 the back a big section is starting to mat. Is this how the dreadding process begins?
updated by @joe-weaver: 01/13/15 10:05:07PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

yea but u will want to seperate so they dont form so big

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
336 posts

You'll have to separate that, it is too wide and will turn into a beaver tail. Generally hair will separate into sections on it's own after a few weeks of washing and no comb. You then need to keep those sections from connecting to others nearby. with certain hair types (like mine) you need to be vigilant about this after every wash. God Bless']

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