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neglect method

Mario hernandez
11 years ago
15 posts
How long has it taken for you of those who have done this method?
updated by @mario-hernandez: 02/14/15 04:45:12AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

back 2 weeks to start dreading maybe monrh b4 i started gerting "nice dreads" on the street back was lob=nger then top so top took another month or 2 tio start to dread

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Mario hernandez
11 years ago
15 posts
Can I wear a beanie during the process of the neglect method ?
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

beannies are too tight a tam or nothig

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Mario hernandez
11 years ago
15 posts
Alright.thanks so IM barely starting my natural dreads . Do I just rinse my hair with water when I shower, don't wet it or do the apple cider vinegar and baking soda thing
11 years ago
1,291 posts

to maturity? i consider mine finally mature. so right around 2 1/2 years.

Mario hernandez
11 years ago
15 posts
Well not to maturity just to dread in general
Ojas Acharya
11 years ago
172 posts

hi mario, mine started to section within the first month. within the first 2 weeks actully.. then they started tangling more n more n knotting up by like the 4th month. normally i guess u'd feel as if u have some noticeable baby dreads by 6 months (not necessary).. but 1nce that happens u stop counting the weeks u just let go..! i have to congratulate u for going natural in the frst place.. patience is the only way to have dreads no matter whichever method.. good luck bro :)

thomas richard greene
11 years ago
12 posts

Im around 2-3 monthes now and got some realy small stuff goin on. But i things its just oil build upholding hair together no knotts yet. My hair has also shrunk alot.

Mario hernandez
11 years ago
15 posts
Okay cool thanks you guys! And well I just started, do I just rinse my hair with water in the shower ?
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