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OUCH! (help!)

Sarah Smile
11 years ago
43 posts

So there's a large dread on the front side of my head that is starting to cause me a bit of pain. I wear a headband almost every day so the hair on one side (the underside) of the dread has become very matted and flat at the hurts to try and move it in any direction other than back off of my face. I had one very similar to it on the other side of my head and ended up separating it, but, it fell off. I really miss that guy and I don't wanna lose this one! :( ! :( Any suggestions?

updated by @sarah-smile: 06/10/16 02:04:39PM
the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

I think that the crochet hook was the reason your dreads broke off, not the separating that you did. Glad you threw the hook away, but it already broke hundreds of pieces in your dreads, so they were weak from that, they do get stronger with time though. You only waxed once and brushed it out, but did you get the wax out with anything like Dawn dish soap or Wax B Gone? The thickness of your dread is what is causing tension on your scalp. Hard to tell by the picture, but I think you can divide that one into a few, unless you want fat dreads, but they do cause tension when they are that big. Anything over a 1inch section at the scalp will take longer to dry and cause the tension you are feeling now. I kept mine around the temples thinner so that I would not feel any pressure of weight there, especially years down the road.

Baba Fats has a video on his page on how to separate dreads, a good one to watch. Due to your crochet, even once, you may still loose some of it, but lets hope not.

Did you start in August 2012?

Sarah Smile
11 years ago
43 posts

Yeah, the crotchet hook might have had something to do with dread seemed fine everywhere except for one spot in the middle where it was weak and broke off...probably where I had used the hook. Fortunately, I only crocheted a few times, and it's been a while since i have. So, i think my dreads have been healing nicely.

When I brushed out the waxed dread, I used regular hand soap and a bunch of conditioner to get it out...just washed that hair repeatedly until it was no longer tacky. I'm pretty sure I got it all out.

I really like the thickness of my dread there...I have some in the back that are even thicker and I absolutely love them. It would probably really bum me if I had to separate it, but you make a good point. With the hair growing and adding even more weight down the road, it might be smart to separate. If it already hurts now, I can't imagine what it'd feel like once it reaches my waist. My hair does take a good four to six hours to dry, I'd say...sometimes longer. This is something I'm going to have to think about for a while, I think, before I can commit to separating :/

I started August 2012. Really been surprised how quickly my locks have tightened. Not to mention, all the length I've lost...probably over a foot now.

Read more: OUCH! (help!) - dreadlocks forums
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the Barrellady said:

I think that the crochet hook was the reason your dreads broke off, not the separating that you did. Glad you threw the hook away, but it already broke hundreds of pieces in your dreads, so they were weak from that, they do get stronger with time though. You only waxed once and brushed it out, but did you get the wax out with anything like Dawn dish soap or Wax B Gone? The thickness of your dread is what is causing tension on your scalp. Hard to tell by the picture, but I think you can divide that one into a few, unless you want fat dreads, but they do cause tension when they are that big. Anything over a 1inch section at the scalp will take longer to dry and cause the tension you are feeling now. I kept mine around the temples thinner so that I would not feel any pressure of weight there, especially years down the road.

Baba Fats has a video on his page on how to separate dreads, a good one to watch. Due to your crochet, even once, you may still loose some of it, but lets hope not.

Did you start in August 2012?

11 years ago
359 posts

It might just be temporary pain? I dont know, maybe some hair has been pulled in from a bit of a distance, as it grows it might ease up. I've had some very large dreads in the past and the weight was never a problem. I think if you like the dread, give it some time. Can you feel any rogue hairs that are pulling tight? If so, I personally, would pull them out (break them). I'm not sure if that is frowned upon.

Good luck. I like large dreads and I like to try and save them when I hear some one is having trouble :)

peace and blessings

Sarah Smile
11 years ago
43 posts

There are some hairs that have pulled tight, all on one side, which is where the pain is coming from. I've run into this issue before... and had pulled the hairs out (or broke them) and I found that they just keep popping up all around the dread. Eventually, I started feeling stress in the center of the dread. I think it might be from the dread trying to support the weight without the help of the hairs that were previously broken.

Thanks for the support, I love my larger dreads :)

Maybe a little bit of pain is inevitable... I'll try and wait it out. Thanks for saving my dread! :)

11 years ago
359 posts

Good luck with it. I don't think it should be hurting, I just want to say that. I would release the hair that is under tension, very carefully, just a few hairs at a time. You should feel when it is released. That's what I would do anyway. Maybe inbox Baba or Soaring Eagle, they have more general experience than me, I only know my head. I just don't want to give you bad advice is all.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

the sections huge

how old are tyhey

im going to recomend 1 comb it out and let it dread as 4 ..3 minumum

option 2 dont put it in the headband let it be free to start to get used to dreding downb

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
10 posts
My hair type really loves to much so that once in awhile my roots get too tight. I know the feeling you describe, and agree with the others - if you love your fatty then keep it :)I have a possible solution for you: get your hands on some dread-friendly oil (jojoba is best but in a pinch you can use coconut or even olive). Massage it into the scalp around the root of the offending dread, and into the first inch or so of the hair. If possible try to get the oil under the dread too. Wrap your head in a warm wet towel (not super hot or the oil will burn your skin!), and keep it on for at least 15 minutes. You can reheat the towel if you feel it needs more time. Now wash your hair like you normally do. If you used a lot of oil you may need to wash twice, but your roots should be looser and WAY more comfy after this. You will obviously end up with more loose hairs, but personally I don't mind and it's way better than being in pain.Hope this helps! <3
11 years ago
106 posts

I hope that pain goes away cause i love the size of your dreads

Sarah Smile
11 years ago
43 posts

yeah, that's my biggest dread. i've had them for about 8 months now...

a few months ago, i brushed one out that was about the same size. turned one dread into four or five. it took a few hours haha so i dunno how long this one would take now... i'll try wearing them down more, see if that helps first

thanks for the advice :)

soaring eagle said:

the sections huge

how old are tyhey

im going to recomend 1 comb it out and let it dread as 4 ..3 minumum

option 2 dont put it in the headband let it be free to start to get used to dreding downb

updated by @sarah-smile: 07/23/15 05:15:53PM
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