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are johnny cleans dreads really dreadlocks?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
concidering the fact that dreadlocks by definition are ropes of matted hair that occur naturaly when you dont comb, and concidering the fact that johny cleanbackcombedfeltedcrochetedwaxedslathered in butterpalm rolledroot rubbedchopped offreattachedwaxed moremolded into shaperubbed rolled poked holes in manipulated in every way imaginablecan they really be concidered dreadlocks? or more likely hair sculptures or something else entirelywhat the heck are those things hes got on his head and why does he keep doing such crazy stuff to them

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 03/07/19 06:47:08PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
well i mean i look at his vids and it just blows my mind that he teaches that as a way to "dread" when dreading happens on its own and all hes doing is severely damagingi wonder how many of his dreads are really atached to his head and not just stuck back together after falling off

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Ryan Emmel
14 years ago
85 posts
You know you're just playing into his hands by saying things that he says you're saying. He's already addressed this attack.There'd have to be some kind of multi-lateral consortium to define "dreadlocks" for us to say whether his hair falls into that category. As it is, it's your definition against his, and our judgments are legitimate only in our own minds.Also, my hair didn't do this naturally. I made it do it. Am I wearing dreadlocks, or dread-like hair?NATURALLY, I cut my hair short to reduce cleanliness issues that arise from long tangled mats. Tools are natural in my hands. Naturally, I don't use baking soda or ACV to keep my hair clean. I just cut it off so sht doesn't get stuck in it.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
once u made the original shapes u alowed dreading to happen insteasd of constant forcing using tools products and hundreds of hours of wark so u started offf with backcombed hair yes not rreeally dreads but then alowed them to become dreads not woven not glued togerher not chopped of and reattached not poked fll of holes or shredded with felting needles etc etc etc

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Courtney J
14 years ago
100 posts
HA HA SE I thought maybe you were going with a wig of someone elses chopped off dreads but I agree. And the butter thing still grosses me out hardcore lol
14 years ago
29 posts
Sooo, you asked what the things are on his head, and I must say the answer is very simple. They are candle sticks =]. he has candle stick hair so that when his girlfriend wants to smell something nice she just burns his hair =]. lol oh johnny clean, you are a lier and a cheat good sir.
14 years ago
16 posts
Waxlocks ... hahahaha love that 1 ill be using that one in the future for sure . as for jonys locks im gonna be straight up and say they're probly fake if not they look like they're bout ready to be cut or fall off so he can start his 3rd? 4th? 5th set? .... hahaha who knowsgood luck JOnny "clean" !!!!!!
Courtney J
14 years ago
100 posts
I agree 100% with you on this. Knottysleeves said:
Of course they're dreads. However, are they healthy dreads? Clean inside? Light and bouncy? A pleasure to touch? Will his hair be in good condition if/when he combs the dreads out?

The answer, on all counts, is probably "no".

If he loves his dreads, then good for him; everyone's dread journey is their own. What I have a problem with, however, is pushing his damaging products and methods on others just to make a quick dollar, and pushing his marketing BS as "dread education" and a public service, and if you try to point out his lies or provide an alternative to the marketing BS then you're accused of slandering his integrity and "good name". Whatever.
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