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dreadlocks and hobbies

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

what are your hobbies and interests? Do you have hobbies that your passionate about that change the direction of your life?

what got you interested in the 1st place?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
75 posts

I have a passion for animals. I work on a farm and with animals. I own tons of them. I would like to work for a wildlife preservation, but most places just want people with schooling.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts


I have a passion for animals. I work on a farm and with animals. I own tons of them. I would like to work for a wildlife preservation, but most places just want people with schooling.

me too! I grew up taking care of injured animals  well.. behind us was a shooting range that had live Pidgeon shoots so hundreds if not thousands of them, but a seagull wild turkey ducks snakes turtles   a groundhog  i cant remember em all my 1st place when i left home had 2 wild raccoons living with me they lived in the woodpile on the 1st floor came up  nibbled my toes to wake me up, wed have breakfast together at the table (they sat in the chairs eating cereal out of a bowl) then scamper off into the woods.


this was my silver fox luna

at the time i raised her from a tiny thing that slept in the palm of  my hand i had 3 cats, 15 rats a chinchilla and 2 budgies 

they all were friends except they all chased the chinchilla (rats to mate, fox and cats just chased) 

the cats and fox would  curl up together and sleep

I always loved animals ive pet wild skunks (young ones) and hand fed them, 1 rainbow gathering (the 1 my dreads started at)  i camped 5 fet from a mellow but grumpy old rattle snake

in fact, in highschool we went on a trip to the Adirondack trail, we saw a rattlesnake and the other kids tried stoning it to deat..   i got between them.. they threatened to throw me off the cliff  i ended up guarding its den,, probly lil dangerously close  while they threw rocks at me 

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts


well soaring eagle is a clue I have a passion for soaring with them.

thats our club  freedoms wings disabled soaring  

but theres just nothing like it from the thrill of high speed rdge running in the most remote and beautiful places on earth

To world class competitions 

to insane aerobatics

or, setting altitude records in mountain waves

just being able to climb as high as jets fly using only pure earth energy is an amazing thing

but for me some of the most magical moments are just circling in a thermal eye to eye with eagles ..making eye contact as they climb with us right off our wingtip

hawks and eagles only fly when theres thermals or ridge lift they can use (and are known to soar above 10,000 feet, the only purpose of flying so high (for them) is for the view!

so very often you will be sharing the same thermal with them circling in narrow columns of air in fairly close proximity. 

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 05/04/18 03:23:16PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

besides soaring rainbow gatherings have been a life changing experience

which led me to doing stuff (with the help in the beginning of 1 of the rainbow kitchens) to turn 1 of phillys worse crack and crime hoods into one of the safest most loving crime free zone. along with a lot of other shorter and long term projects to make the world a better lace, whether its a few block area, or much bigger

so..volunteering, "service"  helping others (yea with dreads too) was largely influenced by this life experience

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
156 posts

Ok, so i'm a skateboarder for 30+ years, and i guess it's a hobby or an addiction or whatever... I started around 1987 or so as a punkrock kids with my friend from school and his older brother. We built our own wooden ramps which was very cool and this older brother had dreads almost to his butt. I think that's where it clicked! His dreads were'nt natural, but he was my hero anyway!

Took me some decades to get my dreads going, but at least still skate once or twice a week and hopfully will never quit and will never cut my hair again. I'm in love with both now, skateboarding and my dreads and i hope both are for life!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

i used to use a unicycle as my only transportation..literally rode it all up and down the east coast

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
414 posts

This may seem like a thread hijack as I'm posting a lot of pictures.

I love the outdoors and walking in the woods is one of my favourite things to do.Just went out this morning and took a lot of pictures.

In the UK there is a flower called a Bluebell that comes out at this time of year. They are a rare flower and actually illegal to intentionally pick.

Here's a link for some info on them

Usually you will just see them in small patches but there is a place near where I live in Oxfordshire where they grow en masse. The following are photos of the Bluebells and other shots that just looked cool and worth capturing.

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I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
6 years ago
414 posts

Split into 2 posts as there are so many pics.


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I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
Riley Napalm
6 years ago
27 posts
Studying Torah and growing spiritually is probably my biggest love. I lead Torah studies once a month or so at our congregation/Synagogue.

I work in landscaping, which I absolutely love. There's nothing like spending time digging in the dirt, nurturing plants and transforming the way an area looks. It's a good way to appreciate the beauty in creation when you get to see bugs, frogs, flowers and all kinds of stuff every day.

I also do Star Wars costuming with a nonprofit organization called The Mandalorian Mercs to raise money for different causes. A lot of them involving children, children's hospitals and life threatening diseases.

Music is another hobby/passion of mine. I haven't played much lately, but I have a recording room set up and a few rough songs done.
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