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people in my school

adrian pacheco
13 years ago
45 posts

hey guys im 16 im a 11th grader and i have had my dreads for 4 months now and alot of people in my school look at me like if im a freak and as if they are better then me just because i have dreadlocks people tell me "you look dirty" or "i bet you have bugs in your hair!" and its annoying,my hair is really clean! so what can i do?

updated by @adrian-pacheco: 02/14/15 08:31:34AM
Rachel Guthrie
13 years ago
36 posts

tell them to hop off or they'll have to answer to me. haha no i'm kidding. its annoying that people have such a misconception about dreads. explain to them that dirty locs don't lock, so you keep yours clean. or just ignore them. i'd choose that option, when they're mature, everyone will be jealous. :D

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

kids in school pick on kids in school for every lil rthing they are bullies basiclkly the same kids that tell skinny oppl they are fat tuill they get an eating disorder

or call everyone gay or pick on anyone thats not part of thaeir clique

hold your head high with pride dont stoop to their level and just be better then them

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
adrian pacheco
13 years ago
45 posts

thank you for the advice what i dont get why do people copy people for example in my school every girl has toms and guys have beats and jordans what ever happened to being your self? and not being a robot and doing what everyone is doing?

adrian pacheco
13 years ago
45 posts

yeah your right it sucks that society is so closed minded only a hand full of the world is very opened minded like even my dad is closed minded he try to chop off my hair with scissors and he said that i was trying to be black and i told him no i am being different from the rest of the world because being normal is boring

adrian pacheco
13 years ago
45 posts

this world would be such a better place if people weren't so ignorant and actually did their research and not debate on only there opinions or what they have seen on DHHQ and people dont understand that dreadlocks dont magically happen over night its a journey

Brooke McGibben
12 years ago
6 posts

You can tell people that your hair is clean and let them know that not all dreads are yucky and you can also not care about what other people think your expressing yourself and some people might not understand that because some people can be biased against people who look different. But your rocking the dreads!

adrian pacheco
12 years ago
45 posts

i wont give up on my dreads its has been5 months with them and i love them! but there are those days they look bad but i dont care they are mine and they are special :) i wish i had awesome people like you guys at my school thanks for all the advice
12 years ago
90 posts
High school sucks. Well it can anyways if you are the target of someone else's ire. If I were you... I'd become good buddies with Tyler here ;) cuz he sounds like he's got a good head on his shoulders and is close to you in age (Tyler??? Is that right?) And I would you tube dankevie and watch her timeline if you haven't already. Here is her first.
Good luck :)
12 years ago
275 posts

It's sucks bad being targeted at school just because your are different. I had it not so well myself in school. I was anEnglishspeakingstrawberryblond Jehovah's Witness with bad acneglassesandsomewhatof a nerd in a french catholic school. All kinds of mean things where done to me, locked in my locker, pants pulled down, in gym class I had my clothes put in the toilet and peed on. Some girls asked me out just to mess with was not a good time. When I got back home my dad would laugh at whathappenedto me when I told him so I stopped talking to him about it. One day I just snapped and I beat the crap out of a guy who humiliated me and after that I got more respect....I'm not telling you to do that ofcoursebut once your are done and over with themutatedversions of adults you will see that life gets much better after the craziness ofhigh-school and always stick to being who you are.

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