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I hate the sun=-=it burns my scalp

Murphy the rasta
14 years ago
58 posts
Help!how can i care my sun burnt scalp?i'm afraid of all kinds of harm to my hair~I wish i can put the sun block on my scalp,but i cant!can i put some kindda thing to slove the sun burn problem or ways to block the sun?
updated by @murphy-the-rasta: 02/14/15 03:31:58PM
14 years ago
569 posts
...o.O...your hair doesn't block the sun out?...
Murphy the rasta
14 years ago
58 posts
some part aint blocking the sun out.....and im not sure if UV is stronger in hk..
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
did u interlock or crochet or do rigid sections that leave scalp exposedaloe to treat aloes amazing on burns but to prevent..a hat..or hair

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
569 posts
The higher the altitude the more likely you'll burn. Just wear a hat or try to cover your scalp with hair. Usually natural dreads cover the entire head but sometimes they will have a rare piece of scalp showing when they lay a certain way. Murphy the rasta said:
some part aint blocking the sun out.....and im not sure if UV is stronger in hk..
Island Mamma
14 years ago
530 posts
Light weight scarves are great tie one on when your out.Use aloe vera on the existing burn.
Murphy the rasta
14 years ago
58 posts
im a rugby playa,,some times i have to play under the sun for 5 hours..i did once interlock 5moths ago...lose hair 's came out again..interlocking might not the main problem soaringeagle said:
did u interlock or crochet or do rigid sections that leave scalp exposed
aloe to treat aloes amazing on burns but to prevent..a hat..or hair
Murphy the rasta
14 years ago
58 posts
yup...hat may not be useful coz i need to sport under the sun...i wish i can wear a hat while playin rugby,,aint possible thoulgh GreyGargoyle said:
The higher the altitude the more likely you'll burn. Just wear a hat or try to cover your scalp with hair. Usually natural dreads cover the entire head but sometimes they will have a rare piece of scalp showing when they lay a certain way.

Murphy the rasta said:
some part aint blocking the sun out.....and im not sure if UV is stronger in hk..
Murphy the rasta
14 years ago
58 posts
im a rugby playa so, i cant wear a hat while playin rugby. i 've got one jar of coconut oil now.i use it straight on my hair or scalp? raw sum said:
Hi, If burned already ... coconut oil... extra virgin cold pressed raw coconut oil from the organic food store or the health food store. It has to be pristine white with maybe a small bit of more yellow on the bottom of the jar... (I have staved off a very serious burn one time by slathering myself in the coconut oil.. soothing and not even a peeling after .. who new?) ... if it's not yet burned then of course coconut oil for protection and stay out of the high sun and/or wear a hat if needed for longer periods of time ... btw it's now proven that we NEED sunlight and would you guess it's the sun between 10 and 2 that has the UVA rays our body needs for the vitamin D uptake in the body... follow your innate knowledge is my motto...

be well ... rawsum
Murphy the rasta
14 years ago
58 posts
i'll get a aloe plant do u use an aloe on my scalp? thx for the feedback SE,,,MMMmmwa! soaringeagle said:
did u interlock or crochet or do rigid sections that leave scalp exposed
aloe to treat aloes amazing on burns but to prevent..a hat..or hair
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